Chapter 1

17 3 2

Hailey's POV

So x+8 squared equals 81, so x equals

"Hailey!" I heard my cousins yell

I closed my math text book and walked downstairs.


I was so stressed.

I needed to get a high honor roll this quarter to get into honor society and I don't think that's gonna happen.

I live with my moms brother and his wife, my uncle and aunt.

Then my dads sister and her husband, another uncle and aunt.

And 9 kids in the family including me.

Plus my moms grandma and grandpa, with my dads grandma and grandpa.

Oh yea, we just moved into the sweet North Carolina house.

"Walk me to my friends house! Please!" Jenna said



I wish I could say no, but then everybody would yell at me and ugh.

I also really wanted to try for the play! Yea and I'm in robotics.

I guess I would be very busy, the play is The Little Mermaid and AHHH I can't wait to try out!!

We walked out and I saw this new kid with his parents across the street moving in.

He looked about my age, 18,has a cute smile.

When I dropped off Jenna I took a slow walk by and he waved at me.


I walked inside while waving and ran back into my room and found my sister, Hannah.

"Seriously." I said

"Who was that boy?" She said excitedly

"A new person, go on and meet him." I said

"I just will."

She ran out as I started studying more.

I started to think about that guy.

I didn't want Hannah stealing him.

I got up and looked out the window and saw her twirling her hair and talking to him.

I quickly changed my outfit and walked outside to her.

"Yea I'm single!" She started saying to him as I came over

"Hello there." the cute guy said

"Hey, I'm Hailey."

"And I'm Cameron." he said with a smirk

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