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Maths then history, not too bad although maths wasn't your favourite. You got to spend it with your favourite person though, jęñśöń. Roll on break time, which brought misery and disappointment as the light rain made your glasses opaque and your baby hairs sprout wet curls. Luckily, there was room under the shelter for you to sit as your class were the first out. Once the others got out they hesitantly picked out specific seats on the benches, in fear of being covered in some sort of food like substance.

Maths ended with the skate park video, which made you and your female classmates blush. You put on your coat to avoid the possible rain damage from maths to history, and then said goodbye to your first lesson of the day.

Today was strange because your class was getting let out first which never happens, anyway you were first to the history lesson, which riddled you with nerves. After a couple minutes of procrastinating a women's voice came from behind you and asked what you were doing just loitering in the corridor, you responded with a simple sorry and a little chuckle after realising it was Madison's mum.

You opened the door with the tip of your fingers and peered your head in before the door was fully open. He wasn't expecting anyone so early, you slightly startled him but he got up from his seat with the most welcoming grin and struck up some simple small talk. But this was different, the conversation continued and he was actually interested in your life, your goals and ultimately you. You just sat in your regular seat (well not really, you sneakily moved but he hasn't said anything, which makes you really question if he cares or even noticed). He sat on the edge of the table in front of you with his feet crossed on the floor and his hands gripping the edges. You began unpacking your bag, which was a dangerous game considering you were lost in his eyes and his words. Sense the foreshadowing as now you just dropped the cute Levi's tote bag so now your books and lunch were displayed across the floor like a museum exhibition.

Immediately embarrassed (obviously), your face now redder than Madison's red LED lights when reading a smut about Henry Cavill. He chuckled politely as to try to not make you feel worse than you already did, he rushed around to pick up the fallen items and place them on the table for you to re put in your bag. A few fellow students began to wander into the classroom and so he had to rearrange his seating position so it met the professional standard. A momentary pause before he went back to his desk, you thanked him for helping to pick up your books and he responded with a "no problem" and a stroke of the arm (your massive bicep).

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