First neighborhood

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When Darvin and Maffy Dodgers played the front of their house yard they saw the moving truck came 

Maffy: Look bro! There's a moving truck next door!

Darvin: I can see that bro. Looks like we have a new neighbors 

Maffy: I'm gonna talk mom and dad about this you wanna come bro 

Darvin: I'll stay bro

Maffy: Oki dokie 

So Maffy went inside the house while Darvin stay outside 

While Darvin waits outside he saw a girl with pigtails and the girl saw Darvin as well

Darvin: ( Wow 😯 she's so beautiful and she look at me)

Girl: ( Oh there's a boy look at me. He's so adorable ^^)

The girl walk up to him

Girl: Hello there. My name is Lilly TroubleMarker what's your name ?

Darvin: Hi Lilly. My name is Darvin Dodgers it's nice to meet you ^^

Lilly: it's nice to meet you as well Darvin ^^

Darvin: ^^

Milli: Lilly where are you *look at Darvin with Lilly* oh hello there what's your name 

Darvin: my name is Darvin Dodgers it's nice to meet you 

Milli: it's nice to meet you Darvin

Maffy came with Marvin holds nixie Dodgers hold Fruit basket 

Milli: Oh this must be your family 

Darvin: *saw them* Oh ^^

Marvin: Hello there 

Dodgers: it's nice to meet you ^^

Nixie: *coos*

Maffy: you the new neighbor 

Milli: We are ^^

The Big TroubleMarker: Honey?*hold the twins* Oh *saw Dodgers family* why hello there it's nice to meet you ^^

Dodgers: it's nice to meet all of you ^^ 

Marvin: What adorable twins ^^

The Big TroubleMarker: Thank you. there names were Troulli and Miriam 

Marvin: awww 

Dodgers: Let's celebrate the welcome new neighbor party

The Big TroubleMarker: I agree. How about you guys come to our house to BBQ party

Marvin: I agree ^^ 

Milli: me too. I love your idea honey 

The Big TroubleMarker: Thanks dear 🙂

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