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                                                      This is the story of two best friends.

Blake awoke at 2:15 am to the buzzing of her alarm. She rolled out of bed, threw her old black hoodie over her pajamas and slipped on her sneakers.

She put on her wireless headphones and called her best friend, Charlie as she walked outside.

They had met in 2nd grade, when they had been partnered up for a school project.

At first, Blake couldn't stand Charlie. It wasn't until the 4th grade that they truly became friends.

Since then, the pair had always been incredibly close, but with quarantine, they had trouble connecting with each other.

Charlie tried, but was always too busy to talk or video-call.

Blake texted Charlie every day, telling her of the adventures of her cats, or funny things she had heard.

But still it was not the same, and each missed hanging out as they had done before.

One day Blake had an idea.

She had had an interest in astronomy for many years. Maybe she could share her passion with Charlie and get to hang out with her.

They could call each other using headphones so they could talk without the light from the phone interfering with their night vision.

She was not sure it would work, since Charlie always liked going to bed early.

Blake texted her plan to Charlie the next day, and the date was set.

They had decided on the Perseids meteor shower. They would wait up until peak viewing time for the shower, then go outside and watch.

Charlie picked up the phone the second Blake called.

"Hey B, how you doin'?. How long do I have to sit here till my eyes adjust?"

"'Bout thirty minutes," Blake replied, "but if you were sitting in darkness before, it should help. And remember, you've got to lie down and look up and try to block out all light."

"My, this grass is wet," commented Charlie

"Then grab something to lie on!" exclaimed Blake. "I'm wearing long pajama pants and lying on a surfboard. Nobody's gonna see you, if you're worried about lookin' weird."

They talked for about twenty minutes until Blake yelled that she had seen one.

Soon after, Charlie saw one.

They continued talking with random interjections about loud neighbors, attacking mosquitoes, and how Blake's neighbors decided to learn the accordion at 3 in the morning.

The pair eventually fell into a comfortable silence while gazing at the heavens above. Well, it was silent until Blake heard Charlie snoring.

"Charlie. CHARLIE! Wake up! Do you want to be eaten alive by mosquitos?

"What? I'm awake? I'm awake."

"I think we should both go inside."

They continued to talk until Blake heard Charlie snoring again, ended the call, and went to sleep.

After that day, the pair connected every time there was a meteor shower, or an interesting astronomical event, continuing for the rest of their lives. Sometimes in person, sometimes over the phone, never letting the tradition die.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2021 ⏰

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