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The Girl Who Remembered Her past She was Part Of the Walkers but She's still searching for info about the past of the Walkers and She Picture them in mind based on the Writings, Drawings, and Picture in mind but She was Remembering, including herself and the Walkers Tribe Members first thing She thought She was at top a tree and She was holding a telescope and saw raining meteors far away but she has time to tell the others so she jumped off the tree and run She followed the Drones and found a tribe called Walkers and saw other tribe members She was finding a Walker mentor and She saw teaching people about the Drones and training dismissed because of the mentor next She thought about from the book burying a case or time capsule that has walker equipments for someone and message for the future who excavate it for the walker survivor or some people and join the tribe they had fun in the night for their last day and using a red clothes in the very early morning (like 4 to 6 am) the mentor giving two walker drones before the meteor dropped after that they jumped into the hole to be safe including herself but she fully remembered that she was a walker, then the meteor dropped and destroyed the land, and the tribe members ended up dying.

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