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Read the original story that I'm continuing off of by going too @DonTheRock  Wattpad account 


Present Day

Was it just one of those indie, summer films where the experience I had will get lost in the wind as time blows by? Was Ej nothing more than my sexual awakening? Is this is?

I think about Big Red's question. I haven't told him about EJ yet, maybe because Im still trying to put him into words, but the dictionary simply doesn't hold any that accurately portray what that boy meant to me.

"There were just a lot of things in B.C. that felt like home," I reply.

Big Red nods, and we go back to eating. People continue to chatter, and I catch a glimpse of their words as I listen in.

"My history teacher is awful," complained one girl.

"I lost my hamster this morning," says another.

"My cousin is coming to stay with my family for the long weekend," says a red-head girl to her friend.

"Where's your cousin from?" her friend, a dark haired boy with glasses, asks her.

"He's from a town called Stale, B.C."

*Line Break* (End of Recap, Start of my writting)

With that said I began too feel over whelmed with emotions, until it all began too pile up. Soon my hearing began too become fuzzy, and so did my vision. Then before I knew it everything became black, as I fell backwards and passed out from shock. The next time I woke up I was laying on a gym mat in the middle of the cafeteria with all my friends sitting around me. As I laid there slowly opening my eyes, I began too think that was just a dream. But as I sat up and they asked me if I was okay I just ignored there questions and asked "wait so who is coming for the weekend again?" Ashlyn just looked at me weirdly and said, "my cousin" while they all stared at me oddly. Letting a small smile fall upon my lips I got up, despite there protests and looked at my phone, realizing that school was out in a couple minutes. So I packed up my stuff and grabbed my skate board as I walked out of the cafeteria without another word too any of them.

By the time I got home I was ready too jump out of my skin with excitement, as ran up too my room as I began too giggle, not being able too control my excitement. But I soon stopped giggling as there was a nock on the door, and in stepped my dad with a smile on his face. Then sitting on the bed he motioned too me do the same, which I did then he turned too me saying "I have some news, so you know that summer job I did" Nodded my head I waited for him too confirm what I though I already knew. "Well I have been working on a new idea that someone from down there could help with, so they are coming down this weekend, so I just wanted too let you know so you were aware I might be working a lot more this weekend, then other." Nodding I told him I understood as he smiled and left my room, not saying another word, as I stood there with shocking coming over me, we actually get too see each other.

But as I stood there I began too think about how he could have found someone else, I mean why would he? I had been gone for a quite a while, or at least it felt like that. Millions of different excuses of why he would leave me and is with someone else flooded my mind as I stood there not being able too move. But eventually my dad called me down too dinner, so I quickly put my stuff away and headed down stairs too set the table. By the time we had finished eating it was 8 so I quickly took a shower and did my homework before turning the lights off and laying down on my bed. But as I laid there I couldn't fall asleep, so I decided too text in the group chat

*Group Chat*

Troy(Ricky): So today was crazy!! :)

Gabriella(Nine): Yah it was, Ricky how are you feeling after what happened at lunch?

Sharpay(Seb): Yah you passed out man, how are u feel?

Troy(Ricky): I feeling better, just got a little over whelmed but I'm better now, thanks for being there everyone

Correo(Carlos):No problem

Sharpay(Seb): No problem

Style(Kourtney): We got you

Lights(Big Red): Were here for you

Mrs. Darbus(Ashlyn): Ricky were here for you

Mrs. Darbus(Ashlyn): Oh yah about earlier, I was hopping you guys could all come over this weekend, maybe we could play High school Musical the choosical.

Everyone: Definitely

*Texting ends*

Finally I closed my eyes and slowly fell into a deep sleep, pulling me into a dreamless sleep, not really wanting too wake up. But eventually I did, but luckily it was a Thursday so I only had too bare two more days of school. So I quickly got out of bed and got dressed for the day, before throwing my bag over my shoulder and walking down stairs too find my dad sitting at the kitchen island typing away at his computer with a cup of coffee by his side. Smiling I quickly grabbed something small for breakfast, before quickly saying goodbye and heading off too school on my skateboard. As I was skating my mind kept drifting too this summer, thinking about all the time I spent off my board and in EJ's car. Before I knew it I was nearing the front of the school where all my other friends and I usually meet up. Smiling I stopped my skateboard and joined the conversation they were having about the science test. 

I had always been good at science so I didn't really pay attention as they talked over if they were prepared and what part they thought they would do bad on, until the bell rang and we all went our separate ways. By the time I was in my second class, Science, I wanted too call it a day and head home but I knew that I had too push through. Finally after an hour we were all allowed too head too lunch, pushing through the crowds of people. While walking too lunch Mat the school bully came up too me and pushed me into the locker, before he started calling me names. While he occasionally took a blow or two towards my stomach, or my side. after a couple minutes of this he finally let up and allowed me too head towards the lunch room where I met up with my friends at our usual table. 


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