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It's a huge understatement to say that I love doctor who, it's been my favourite program since the reboot in 2005, I've watched ever episode since over the past 15 years since then, every Sunday night as I eat my dinner, living in England, being English, it feels like it's apart of what it is to be English, this will be a short story and will probably be just 20-30 parts at the most, I sincerely hope that you will enjoy it as much as I know I'm going to enjoy writing it.

This isn't going to be a fan fictions with the doctor and one of his companions that have actually been on the program, I will be creating my own companion for the doctor, like all the doctors companions, mine will leave the doctor, my companion will know that it is time for her to leave, some companions in history of the program also left the doctor or on there own, some forget about the doctor because the doctor took away their memories of him and their time together. Some die but in the end, the doctor always seems to find a replacement for his companion, the way I will be ending this is that, when my companion leaves the doctor, I'm going to make it seem like the doctor is never going to have another companion again after she leaves, for my companion, I want her to understand the doctor and his dark past more than all the other companions that have come before her.

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