Chapter 1

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"Aaron. Wake up." My older brother Lukas said. I was so deep into my slumber that I didn't even notice him creep into my room. I opened my eyes sluggishly, and watched as he stood above my bed in his jersey and his boxers. He wore mismatched socks, one pink and one blue, and overall he looked just as tired as I did. He shook my shoulder, and he gently slapped my jaw, trying to wake me up

"No. Let me sleep." I groaned. I was tired, I was probably tired due to the huge amount of homework I did last night, my brain still processing what seemed like an endless amount of calculus equations I wrote over and over. I lived such a monotonous life, maybe way too monotonous for the average 17 year old. I rarely partied, I rarely ever went out and had fun. I prefer staying at home on the weekends, doing something simple. I went to school, got almost perfect grades, had an almost perfect attendance (the exception of a few times were I was sick and was forced to stay home, not without Lukas bringing home my homework), did everything I was supposed to do and came back home. Me being tired and not waking up before Lukas like I usually do was probably the most surprising thing in my current boring life. I was drifting back into slumber when my blanket was snatched off my body, the cold air washing over my body, instantly waking me up.

"Lukas!" I shrieked, eyes wide open and my head aching due to me getting up so fast trying to chase him, resulting in me quickly using my bed as a way to not topple to the ground. I heard him laugh as he ran down the hall and back into his room next door. I watched as the cover was now scattered across the floor. I let out a huge breath, and began to make up my bed before I was ready for the day.

After fixing my bed, I stretched, feeling the blood begin to circulate around my body. The sun shined into my window, making the gray walls look brighter. I walked into the bathroom and looked at the 17-year-old boy in the mirror. This happened every morning, taking 5 minutes to look over myself, trying to decide if I liked what looked back at me. I analyzed my slightly tanned neck, my boring brown eyes, my slender chest that led down a girlish body frame. I never considered myself attractive, but honestly I never thought I was ugly either. I was just here, like a table in a room or something. I was nothing special, I did not have the looks like my brother. I thought I was pretty average, nothing extraordinary. I gave my face one last rough rub and walked over to the shower, gripping the gold shower and turning it to the right. I gazed over the stream of water from the shower head, and waited for the water to hit the perfect temperature, which was soon determined by the rolling amount of steam from the top of the shower door. The water ran in the background as I brushed my teeth, carefully applying the soapy acne cleaner I bought last week on my face. By the time I was done, I was ready for my 10 minute rinse in hell, regarding the fact I needed my water damn unbearable to feel like anything was being cleaned. I quickly took a 15 minute shower, mentally preparing myself for the day. I didn't hate going to school, I just didn't enjoy the social aspect that was required of you, from teachers and students alike. If you didn't talk in class, you were reprimanded with the loss of participation points and scolded of how needing to be social was an ability that needed to be learned in real life. If you weren't the one to be outgoing and outspoken, or if you just were not talkative, you made a target because apparently being reserved correlated with being "weak". With my whole spiel of how boring my life was earlier, the bullied quiet "losers" was the group that I was a part of, well not all the way. I looked through my closet, looking for clothes to wear. I picked out a long sleeve orange t-shirt, and some grey sweats, not really in the mood to dress up for a bunch of people I did not particularly care for. I quickly put the outfit on, and made sure to put on deodorant and a couple sprays of some perfume my mom gave to me, or that I stole from her room when she wasn't here. She always finds the best scents in her weekly self-care shopping spree at Marshalls, and I could not resist to snatch a kiki-strawberry. I slipped some ankle socks onto my feet, grabbing my green adidas my mom bought me last week randomly. As I got ready for another day at school, but my phone began to ring, some pop song as my ringtone filled the room. It was my best friend, Blake.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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