Entering Beacon

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Beacon Academy, Vales Huntsmen/Huntress school. If someone were to go around and ask about it. The typical response would be: "The best academy for any youth attempting to become a part of the great war against Grimm."

How could they be wrong? The school was packed with all one could ever need. Students receive a high quality education, access to astounding resources, in field experience, lovely living conditions, and most of all a good fact about someone on their resume.

That is why you chose to take this profession. It seemed easy enough, all you had to do was kill the embodiments of destruction and get paid! How hard could it have been? Well, you did have to go to Signal first. But it was practically a walk in the park. Mostly Bs and a couple As on your report card every year! Although considering Beacon only receives the best, it's kind of odd you got in with average grades. Meh, they might have been desperate.

"Now are you sure you will be alright, Anon?" Your mother asked.

You went in for a hug, "Mom, Im fine I have everything I need. Including your weird candles."

"You mean the good luck candles? Sweetie, they're meant to protect you while you're away from me." Dont call them stupid!

"Mom, their vanilla bean candles. How are they supposed to protect me against something like a Beowolf or Ursa?" You argued.

"Oh you complain now, but when you're in a sticky situation you're gonna want to have them!" She protested as the two of you pulled away from each other.

You and your mother stood in the middle of the porting bay getting you ready. All around the area was students and their parents helping them get their things in order as well. For today, school was back in session. The older kids got excited to return to their home away from home and first years prepared to go into the world of the unknown. You being one of those younger few. Oh boy did it show too; You expected there to be a plain old bus that would drive you and your peers to the academy. The look on your face when you saw the Bullhead made your mother giggle. However she was just as astonished.

But the flying cargo carrier wasnt the only anxiety you felt. Anybody would see it as a plus, except for you. Since the brochure never said anything about a dress code students had to follow outside of class hours or had any recommendation on certain gear. So you didnt know what to wear exactly. Which could've ended horribly two ways. A. You'd come underdressed and look out of place or B. Come overdressed and look like you were craving attention. Fortunately, with the help of your mother, you scrambled a decent outfit.

She hailed from Vacuo and wanted you to honour your people. (Except you thought it was stupid because she ran away from the kingdom because of how crazy it was.) On your person was a navy blue leather vest that had a pattern of circles chained together and went around the piece, a red button up that was made of some form of compression material seen in workout clothes, navy jeans that were held up by a gold belt buckle, hiking boots, and a white handkerchief that wrapped around your neck. Your mother pushed for you to wear a cowboy hat as well, but you denied it. Except to make her happy you still decided to put it in your bags in case you changed your mind.

"All students please board now, we will be taking off in fifteen minutes." A womans voice echoed through an unseen speaker.

The butterflies began swarming in your stomach. Those words made you all kinds of nervous. You spent most of your childhood waiting for this moment. However no amount of training could have told you the feeling youd receive being face to face with it. The time was now, you had to get on that aircraft and head to the next four years of your life.

"Oh my little man is going away!" Your mother cried as she stepped in place as tears began leaking from her eyes.

"Mom, it's alright. When I get to Beacon I'll make sure to call you." You placed your hand on her shoulder, "Trust me, Ill be okay."

RWBY x Annoyed and Sassy Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang