The Meeting

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In spite of knowing I was early, I rushed into the coffee shop. I needed that time, more than ever. I needed to be calm, composed and not to come across as needy, which I usually did. I walked up to the table at the corner and sat facing the door in anticipation.

I was a regular customer at the café and as usual, I was greeted by Rahul, the waiter, who came to me with a smile and familiarity which was built over the last four years.

"Hello ma'am, you are early today. Should I bring you your usual order?" he asked dutifully.

"Hi Rahul, not yet please. Just get me a glass of water. I am waiting for a friend and we will order together" I replied trying not to show my excitement and nervousness.

"Sure Ma'am" he turned around and left, giving a second glance to my special dress and not so normal makeup I was wearing.

Friend! Why did I have to say that? Pradeep was not just another friend. I am sure even Rahul guessed it from the way I was dressed. But what could I say otherwise. Over the years, everyone in this shop had become familiar with me wearing business suit for client meetings. Any change in my attire was would obviously attract a reaction. I had no reason to tell Rahul that the one I was waiting for was my ex-boyfriend and ex- live in partner.

The last three days were tough for me. All my friends advised me not to meet Pradeep. Even Roopali, my "soul-mate" ended up giving me disappointed looks as I struggled to choose a dress and for the occasion. I could sense her disapproval and knew she wanted to say something. But every time she opened her mouth and I looked at her, she chose to shut it and keep quiet.

I would never mind Roopali saying something as she has always been my pillar of strength. She had stood by my side when Pradeep had decided to walk away from my life. She would visit me every morning, push me out of the bed and make sure I went to work. She saw my studies suffer and made sure I completed my Masters. I would spend my days on the bed listening to sad romantic songs and do nothing. Weekend evenings with friends changed too. Instead of chatting and dancing, which I loved, I started to drink and smoke a little too much. After realizing that nothing could make me happy, one fine day, Roopali stormed into my flat and started living with me. Over the last two years, she helped me get my life back on track. She helped me start my NGO and even got her fiancée's company to choose my NGO, for their CSR program, to ensure my funding. So, if anyone had earned the right to disapprove and question my decision to meet Pradeep, it was Roopali.

My thoughts were interrupted by the bell at the entrance of the café. I held my breath as Pradeep walked in and his eyes searched for me. I was nervous and that made me instinctively wave at him as though he wouldn't have recognized me on his own.

He waved back and started walking towards me with a smile. It would have taken him just few seconds to bridge the gap, but enough for me to relive all my memories. Back then when we started dating, how we first began with exchanging smiles. Then came handshakes followed by hugs. Eventually we graduated to kisses, even in public. And then the whole process in reverse as the distance between us grew during our last few days together.

"Hey Vaishali, you look amazing! It's been a long time. How are you doing?" He started like he was just meeting another friend.

"I am good Pradeep. How are you doing? What brings you back to Mumbai?" I sounded feeble to even myself and thanked god I was sitting instead of being on my weak knees right now.

"I am good too. Visiting Mumbai just for a week. Hence decided to call you as soon as my plan was fixed and I landed in Mumbai" His eyes looked into mine as added "At first I thought you wouldn't be keen on meeting me"

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