the end of the world as we know it

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It was a some what normal day the sky was sunny ,the grass was green. Everything had been going smoothly it was perfect. (Jax) stupid school I dont even know why we moved (mom)because jax i didn't have enough money to stay just be happy I even managed to save enough money for a house. Plus I found a new job that provides a steady amount of income ok (jax)ok mom (mom) its time to get out. *jax opens the car door and walks out* (mom)have a great day at school honey (jax) ok mom love you (mom)love you too *jax closes the car door as his mom drives away (mom) oh they grow up so fast (jax)now first period ummmm ok history. *as jax stumbles through a big crowd of people he bumps into a group of kids (guy1)hey get back over here. *jax walks back to them* (jax)yes (guy1)what is it you think you're doing bumping into me like that (jax)bumping into you I guess (guy1)hey looks like we got a funny guy over here (jax)I dont know your not really funny actually your kinda the opposite (guy1)oh really at least I'm not a baby face. (Jax)yeah because you like Danny devito had gone on a diet and kept the same head size. Also I take stride in my youth *guy1 socks jax in the face* ( guy2)hey lay off the kid he's a freshman (principal)my office now
(Radio)nurse there's a boy whos been badly injured can you get him (nurse)im on it (jax)where am I (nurse) your in the clinic (jaxs mind)shit that guy must have hit me hard .(jax)that hurt alot (nurse)yeah if he would have hit you any harder your temple would have collapsed (jax)that guy was really temperamental (nurse you know...*screams are heard in the distance as gun shots are fired as a bullet rips through a wall* (nurse)GET DOWN (jax)fuck what was that (nurse)it was a bullet i think parasite eve's escaped (jax)whats parasite eve (nurse)a disease its newer it was compromised it wasn't supposed to escape this wasn't supposed to happen (jax)you knew about this (nurse)hell kid every doctor nurse government official they all know (jax)I have to call my mom (nurse)there's no time we need to grab a weapon (jax)where do we find some (nurse)grab that chair leg smash it against it that wall *jax violently smashes the chair against the wall* (jax)what about you (nurse) im gonna ditract them.*jax says no as she opens the door running out toward a small group of zombies leading them away*(jax)oh shit now what I guess i run

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2021 ⏰

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