Go Home Judie Ill Go

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"The stretches of rivers flow deep within our own reach. It's like these waters tell stories that have yet to be tolded or yet to be solved. Some interstanding some uninterstanding. But this is mine and I'll tell you were it happened and how it ended."


*March 17,*

Inside a lighting well served bar called the OCEAN ANGEL lays at the bar stoll a well dressed man mid late twenties well built, scared face with teenaged unruly brownish hair, blueskied eyes, wearing a feathered black colored jacket with matching black Jean's and one ruffles glove on his left hand. The man swirles his glass of iced scotch at the stool looking at it intensely like he had lose something or someone.


"The darkest days became watered in pure clouded storm mush that piled the lonely civilization of Vincent Cities. I grew up detaining and blood thirsting these cities, none would ever look at me as a welcoming guy. The truth is most people dont come to Vincent I never knew why because theres plenty of action to be seen, but nothing interesting ever happens here. Unless you were a wanted assassin vampire killer like myself. Yea, I hunt down vampires but its nothing that important to be honest i hate doing jobs for other people *drinks a sip of iced scotch* the name goes by


"The rain began pouring heavily pounding my scared face with every drip. Nothing seem to be catching my head while I grabbed my browned scarfed jacket that contained a shiney hunting revolver, exiting the light bolted bar like a stumbled rat after the mid hour of scotch I indorced.

The only thing that was on my mind was Judy, the women I was protecting but she wasnt a dream girl nor was I her guardian angel. All she was was Judie and the only Judie that I knew.

You may be asking what was I protecting her form. All I can say for now is that it was much more then danger.

"As I step outside the rainy storm and walked the quarter mile through the dull reaches were all the city scum stear deadly at any uncautionary moron that passes through these lines but once I pass the eyes look away like they were looking for a treat to snatch for dinner and I definitely wasnt the treat they were looking for. I finally pass across the Vincent Bridge but this bridge was were it all started."

Suddenly Flash receives a rush of a black and white visioned flashback of himself on the Vincent Bridge of a much younger version of himself with a young blond haired women with a beautiful black dress around the same age as him standing close to each other standing close by one walking together like any other day.

"I never though you wanted to come back to this city." Said Flash

"I didnt I always hated it here" said Judie not wanting to looking around her.

"Theres nothing here for me or you anymore. As long as I'm here he'll find you and kill you wont he?"

"Dont blame yourself like that, he doesnt know that your here. If anything it's me that's at fault here." Judie looks up to Flash. Putting her hand a pawn the left side of his head.

"Cut the Crap Flash, you know that's not true. Please dont go let's cut our ends we can run away from everything and start over new jobs new lifes. " She said uping her tone of voice.
Flash puts her hand away from him.

"Judie your gonna have to go without me."

"What?" She said surprised.

"You know this is for the best. I'm to dangerous for you. I have to go" Like a proud man, Flash turns around and walks away from Judie but not before she speaks up.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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