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I found my vision blurring as I slipped in and out of consciousness-- the cold, hard, tile flush against my limp body. The enticing aroma of freshly prepared food that clogged my nose would've driven anyone to this homey environment. But that seemed to all be a façade. Alluring deceit. I could hear my cell phone vibrating near me on a hard surface. And I tried my best to wiggle my slim fingers in the direction of the sound, hoping that the length of my acrylic nails could aid in my survival since my body was too heavy to move. My mind raced as I tried to wrap it around what had just taken place, on what I thought to be a beautiful Wednesday evening. My body grew heavier and I began to panic. There was no way I could get out of this situation alone. Alive. I wanted to scream, but couldn't bring myself to part my lips and utter a sound. "Am I dead?" I wondered as I felt a tear slide down my swollen cheek, stinging my fresh wounds.

I could feel a body towering over me, then felt it hesitantly move backwards away from me out of what I assume to be fear. "No, don't leave!" I screamed in my head. "Help me!" but the words didn't make it to my lips. I couldn't hear any sounds around me except the ringing in my ears.

"P-Please." I begged, my voice crackling as the feeling of life slowly left my body. Tears ran down my face I as struggled again to plead for help. I could hear footsteps in the distance but I didn't know whether they were coming or going. And the agonizing pain had begun to make me disoriented. Soon though, I was able to hear the noise around me and I didn't know whether to be grateful or fearful.

More often than not, there comes a point in your life where you find yourself wondering how you got to a certain place. How the exact things you told yourself would never happen to you, somehow end up happening. It seems that only in the face of tragedy is when you realize that there are changes that need to be made. When you realize that you aren't invincible and exempt from shit. It's at those moments when you realize all of the things that you should have done, or should not have done. Every action has a reaction. Every cause, an effect.

I could hear an uproar of commotion outside of the building as the bitter February air nipped at my skin. I could faintly hear the sirens and mumbling all around me. But I couldn't move my weightless body to look to see who had come to my rescue. Fluttering my eyes for a moment I could see blurred figures around me and red lights bouncing off of buildings and cars in the dark. I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding, feeling a bit of relief hoping it wasn't short lived.

"Please don't die. Please don't die. Please don't die." I thought to myself feeling the sway of the bumpy ambulance ride lull me into the darkness. That point you hit in the face of tragedy where everything gets questioned? This was mine. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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