And whom might you be?

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Everyone at the castle was waiting for Y/n to come back with his group.

Y/n was riding his hourse back to the castle, his horse was also pulling a wagon with a lot of people in there.He made it to the castle and everyone was looking for his group.

"They're dead if you are looking for them." Y/n said while getting off of his horse. He grabbed the people that he tied up and threw em on the floor. "Don't feel bad for me either it's not my fault it's theirs, they should've been smarter." Y/n said while looking at the people that where waiting for me. "Besides that I can work by myself, now cadets I want four of you to take two of these people there are eight of them you each have two arms so grab em and take em to the jail cell I'll question them when they're awake." Y/n looked at them. "Yes sir!" They sulated and four cadets took em to the jail cell. "Eren and Jean your on hourse duty, and bring my horse back to the stable." Y/n said and looked at the two cadets. "Yes sir!" They
both said and grabbed his horse.

Time skip😡✋🏼

Y/n was leaning against the wall with his eyes close. They all had woken up but they wouldn't answer any of his questions. He was getting impatient by the second, all he knows is their names.
Howzer, Gilthunder, Meliodas, Ban, King, Gowther, Estarossa, and Zeldris if he remembers. "Not to be rude or anything but pal could you let us out of here." Ban said "Going to give me any info?" Y/n asked still having his eyes close.

"I wouldn't want an immortal, three demons, a fairy, a doll that can erase memories or have put anyone to sleep if their power level is low, and two humans that have powers let loose. The human population is already pretty low by titans that eat humans." They all looked surprised that this guy knew what they were right off the bat. "Well sir if you don't mind me asking how can we get out of this cell." Meliodas asked him.

"You can have a trail, to see if your guilty or not, or I could just kill you your choice." Y/n said looking at the little guy. "I'll take your offer on the trail." Meliodas says with a sigh. "Then it's settled you can have your trail tomorrow." Y/n said and started to walk away. "So you aren't going to give us a blanket mister?" Zeldris said annoyed. "If your the demons king child soon to take over his spot, then you can surely be able to stay in a cell for a night." Y/n said and continued to walk away. A door could be heard, now they know that Y/n was gone.

"So captain what are we going to do?" Ban asked Meliodas. "Well I don't know Ban we'll just have to do the trail, but he feels familiar for some reason." Meliodas said. They then heard the door open up and they also heard someone walking towards their cell.

"I don't know why but I brought you pillows and blankets, but that's all your getting till you have your trail." Y/n said "Anyways I'll get going, I'll see if I can get y'all food in the morning if not pretty sure you can wait for lunch." Y/n said and walked away.

"Guess we'll just have to wait then." Meliodas said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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