chapter1 after shredder death

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''night what did you do'' leo asked. ''defeated shredder and tiger claw but the kraang....they better run because this is war. no one will hurt my family again'' i said with a straight face, this is the last I've seen of the shredder and tiger claw but the kraang is next. the building continues to burn as i hug leo and raph then i kissed them. 

''i love you both'' i said as i felt sweaty. ''we love you night'' they said at the same time and with that we went home. i had shredder's helmet i had tiger claws sword to remember the night they made the biggest mistake of there life's.

One year later after shredder's death night's pov

its been one year sense shinigami karai and i defeated the shredder. raph and leo were held captive so the kraang can get to me but i successfully saved my two loving boyfriends from the shredder i burned that place to the ground with tiger claw body inside.

 some of the kraang managed to get away but i will defeat them. this was war for capturing my boyfriends and now I've been on the run for eleven years now. running away from the kraang i hated them, now that's its just me V,S them i was determined to beat them destroy them,

eleven years ago my parents past away in car accident i was in that car but i survived. while my parents parish. they never got the chance to name me see i never had a human name before. the reason why i say human is because to those that 

don't know i was human when i was little i was born into a normal family until the accident happened once i escaped i was living on my own for awhile but them on dark night i was taken away and i was kidnapped, 

the kraang then used me as a test subject they called me....subject 209. after ten years of that livin hell i managed to escape that hell hole then ever sense that night I've been on the run. now im the kid of the night. the city named me night. one night just last year i was out doing my patrol hoping to spot something and i did. 

little did i know this thing i found wasn't a thing it was a he a leader a wise and lovely leader. his name was Leonardo Hamato. the night i first met him he was on a job where i was out hunting for a guy name snake until when then leo heard me he turned around so 

fast and held out his sword ready to attack me but i didn't want to fight him. ever senses then i fell in leo with him and his younger brother Raphael Hamato. but when i was in the hands of the kraang they mutated me and now im a hybrid monster. 

my eyes can change colors as well. after that night of killing the shredder i was able to be some what free of the kraang. but now that's its been a year i managed to live with my next door neighbor she was a friend of my actual parents she raised me when i broke out of my cell now she raised me after all these years i was able to live with my two loving boyfriends and there family. my mother got married to there father Hamato Yoshi and i was happy for my mother. her name was Veronica. and we lived happily for one hole year. 

''night baby come out its time to go'' i look out my door to see one of my loving boyfriends leo. ''comin let me go get my stuff on'' i shout and i went to go get my gear on my two fire swords the katana's my sais my smoke booms ninja stars my blades like my daggers my fixed blades folding blades hunting blades and my ten pistols. i learned how to shoot a gun when i was only three. i was in blue denim jeans white shoes my red shirt and my sapphire blue sleeveless hoodie. 

my red shirt was tight on my but i didn't care. my mask covers my mouth and nose. and my cheek bones. ''alright im ready lets go kick some ass'' i said as i tug on my gun now it was loaded. raph smiled at me and he took my hand when i put the gun on my thigh.

 ''night'' i turn my head when i was going to walk away but i see my mother. ''yes sensei'' she actually my sensei she taught me how to fight she taught me all fighting skill i even learned dance fighting. 

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