Claustrophobia | SOOBIN

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Hi I'm Soobin! and you are? Ah I see authornim probably brought you to this book.
You think I will introduce myself? nope just keep reading. On to the story!

Hi! I'm currently on my way to BigHit. I am a trainee at Bighit Labels hehe..I auditioned and they accepted me so I am currently a trainee.

I dont have that many friend there as I was only just accepted last week. I only have 1 friend and his name is Choi Beomgyu.

I entered the building and immediately saw Beomgyu running towards me. "SOOBIN-AHH" he was yelling as he was running.

Wah this boy is so loud I swear on the first day I met him he couldn't even speak and start a conversation and now look at him.

"Yahh aren't you too loud? There can be complaints about you being loud" I said and Beomgyu just gave me a 'do I look like someone that gets compalints' look. "Yahh people love me " He said flicking his non existent long hair. "okay.. Yah call me hyung!" I said. "You're just one year older than me!" He said and started waddling away and laughing. "aish this kid~" I said and started following him to the room where the trainees are and where we will be evaluated from different categories.

I was now behind Beomgyu as he opened the door. And I saw some new trainees? Like 2 new trainees, eh one of the trainees is a girl? we all started bowing as soon as we entered the room "Good morning~" Beomgyu and I greeted.

We both sat on the floor as more trainees started coming in since it was almost time for the evaluation. "Hey Gyu" I whispered to him. he hummed. "Is this girl new?" I pointed at the girl. "Hmm I think so" He said, "there's girls now?", "Yeah they didnt tell you? Bighit started looking for girl groups now" he said and I nodded.


we were now getting results of evaluations. And turns out the new trainees were 'Haru' (girl) and Jake. And I have to be honest they're both really good.

"hmm.. Choi Soobin?" BangPd called, I gulped from nervousness "yea?", "Your voice improved so much and is more stable" BangPD smiled, I bowed "thank you"

"hm.. Min Haru?", "yes?" she looked nervous. "Your voice is very stable but when you're dancing your voice is not that stable" He criticized Haru. "okay" she responded and bowed

(after evaluations)

BangPD left the room as he had criticized (for improvement of course) each one of us.

Us trainees stayed in the room and chatted, me being the introverted person I am I wasn't talking to anybody, Beomgyu was talking with the other trainees leaving me.

"hey? Soobin right?" I heard a voice from my right, I turned my head to the person. "o-oh hey, y-yeah I'm Soobin.." I stuttered from nervousness. "I'm Haru!" she said putting her hand out for a hand shake. "ahh right-right, nice to meet you" I said as I shook her hand.

"You're voice is literally so good!" Haru complimented. How do I react?? I'v never been complimented by anyone else besides Beomgyu. "U-uh T-thank you.." I said while rubbing the back of my neck "y-your voice was great too.." "Mine? pfft It's nothing compared to yours" she chuckled. "N-no seriously your voice was good!" I somehow panicked as I said it. "Thanks.. I guess?" She responded covering her face with her small hands. It was some how cute..maybe she's not that bad.

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