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Name: Artemis Caroline Reynolds

Age: A few months younger than Jackson

Looks: brown hair, hazel eyes, fair skin

Likes: drawing on her iPad, music, Jackson, reading, wearing Jackson's hoodies, dancing with Ramona, food, sleeping, doing school work, babysitting Tommy, chocolate, animals, stuffed animal, carnivals, playing video games, skateboarding, hanging out with Jackson

Dislikes: people that she barely knows touching her, her anxiety getting to her, people talking about her parents in a disrespectful way, steak, kiwis, cauliflower, snickers, starbursts, snakes, spiders, being left out, most of Jackson's friends, being left alone, people who think they are better than others

Traits: smart, compassionate, passionate, musician, artistic, skater, tomboyish, can be a girly girl, nice, caring, kind, responsible, shy, quiet

Relationship(s): Jackson Fuller (crush)

Family: Willow Reynolds (mother; deceased), Carter Reynolds (father; deceased), The Fullers (god family)

Nicknames: Caroline (only friends/family friends), Care & Bubs (both by Jackson)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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