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 Sun finally rising from its own slumber, almost groggily just like the rest who rose with it.. (Y/N) Soon woke up to the suns soft golden glow as well,  ears being assaulted by the chirping and calling of everyday birds.. Oh how (Y/N) hated those things.. how they wouldn't shut up once they started.. How they shat all over (Y/N)s brand new car.. And yet she owned a few, who quietly slept in their cage adjacent to her, As if the suns rays hadn't yet reached them and so didn't flip on the 'Scream until everyone knows of your existence' switch.. 

Taking a look around her surroundings, (Y/N) visibly cringed at the catastrophic mess around herself.. Solo cups ontop of expensive furniture.. Mystery stains here and there.. Various broken bottles laid scattered around.. Drunken hooded dude laying over the arm of the couch like a freshly washed towe-


"Hello?..?" (Y/N) called out, curious to see if perhaps they were.. still alive.. as they hadn't moved an inch and didn't appear to be breathing.. Looking down (Y/N) would soon come to realize that she had been laying on the carpet.. in a heap of random hoodies most likely from close friends who wised to keep her warm and comfortable before they left. You'd return them later.. sure.. but for now...

Standing up, ignoring the aching of tired limbs and aching bones that her screaming body had to offer, you made your way over to this stranger.. as she didn't remember them.. and didn't recall seeing him anywhere around your neighborhood before.. And still, something in her worried about his wellbeing.. more then she'd care to explain. And as she reached an arm out to gently grab and flip him over, Placing a hand to his chest.. 

Complete stillness.

Pressing two fingers into their neck.

Practically no pulse..

And so in panicked realization, she quickly sat herself down and gently smacked around this hooded dude.. gently shook him, tried speaking to him.. but seeing as none of that was working.. She brung a finger up to hook it around the surgical mask they wore.. just about to pull it down.. until.

A hand roughly grabbed her arm..

"Thought you could get away with that.. really?.. That easily?"

(Y/N) practically choked on a gasp, jumping back and retracting her hand from the other's harsh grip. "Sorry! i thought you were dead.. So it'd only make sense to check on you.. you know.." She shrugged.. grimacing to the loud snaps and cracks of bones as the other sat up, groaning in light pain. "Yea i guess.. just keep your hands away from my face that shit's hard to get to look even decently presentable half the time.. actually, who am i kidding, my mouth looks like a vagina when i talk and works as a great fall breaker".. (Y/N) Paused.. as she had noticed the line down the mask this stranger wore whenever they talked.. Earning a suppressed giggle from her..

"What, you think my abhorrent looks are funny?.. Ouch" 

"HAhahanhn hnna- N-no no!.. i think you look uh.. kind of handsome actually!" .. (Y/N) Mentally facepalmed, as she couldn't really see this stranger's face.. but judging by the slow rising of their eyebrows from behind their sunglasses... There was most likely a large collection of questions building up.. "Well as flattering as that is, You have no reason to lie to me.. Name? Kwite!, it's got a nice ring to it and brings instant annoyance upon anyone who happens to hear it."

(Y/N) Gave a sweet giggle, clearing her throat and standing to begin cleaning.. before her parents arrived.. "(Y/N).. Nice to meet you, Oh mighty king of hoodies" She joked, perking to the pleased hum from Kwite, who began cleaning up as well. "King?.. Never thought i'd hear myself being called that.. I'd see myself akin to a three legged dog in an oversized hoodie dyng from a heat stroke whilst foaming from the mouth in a stranger's house.. But because i'm a well trained dog, i'll at least help you clean your house and THEN give you rabies." 

(Y/N) Once again giggled, accidentally drooling, quickly wiping the dribble of drool off her chin before it was noticed.. "Thanks!.. Maybe doggie would like a treat afterwardsss?" She raised a brow.. Nearly bursting out in laughter to Kwite facepalming hard enough to cause a shockwave.. "You could say that.. Or.. you could say nothing at all!.. Please".

Will complete other parts when i'm not KWITE as lazy HAHAH aah .. Sorry.

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