Chapter 1 -Villains Arrive

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Hope u will like this fanfic. Happy reading!

Conner and Bree were walking through the forest to get to their house when they heard a rustling sound coming from the bushes.
"What was that?" Bree asked.
"I don't know." Conner replied.
Conner and Bree continued walking for another 10 minutes when they heard the rustling sound again.
"Who is there?" Conner asked. 2 Children came out of the bushes with their ragged clothes. "Oh my. Are you alright children? Where are your parents?" Bree asked.
The children stayed silent and flicked their wrist.
Conner raised an eyebrow and said, "children... What are you doi-" Conner was halfway through his sentence when he collapsed.
"CONNER!" Bree shouted, "What did you do to ny husband?!"
"Oh.. We just put him under a sleep spell." one of the kids said.
"H-how long does it las-" As Bree was about to finish her sentence, she collapsed.
"We did it David." One of the kids said.
"Oh yes, we did, Cherry." David answered.
(A/N:Morina's kids names are David and Cherry. They are twins but not identical.)

A day later, The fairy Council were having a meeting called by Emerelda.
"My fellow council mates, we have just been alerted by Brianna and Cody that their parents have disappeared.
"What?" Alex asked.
"Fairy godmother Alex, Conner and Bree have disappeared." Tangerina said.
"We need to find them. Gather the troops immediately. We are going on A carriage ride." Alex said, "Tangerina, alert the Northern Kingdom. Skylene, alert the Eastern Kingdom. Xanthous, alert the corner kingdom. Emerelda, alert the Charming kingdom and Lampton will alert the Hoodian Republic. (A/N:that is what I call it cause Froggy and Red are ruling.) " Alex said.

One hour later

"Alex, all of the people in the kingdoms are going into hiding in their secret room." Emerelda reported.
"Good. Anything else?" Alex replied.
"No." Emerelda said.
"Everyone, meeting adjourned." Alex said.

There were no crimes for two days until....

"Ahhh I finally found you fairy godmother." David said.
"Who are you two?" Alex said pointing to David and Cherry.
"You don't need to know." Cherry said.
"Who are yo-" Alex then fell into the same sleeping spell the twins had put on the other parents.

One day later, Alex woke up in a jail cell and saw all her friends and Arthur. "ARTHUR! What are you doing here?" Alex shouted as she crawled to Arthur's side.
"I got a sleeping spell by two kids." Arthur replied.
"Same here." The rest of Alex's friends said.
The group were talking and brainstorming on how to get out of the cell when the prison door opened.
"Who are you?" Alex asked.
"I'm David and this is my twin Sister, Cherry." David answered.
"Yup!" Cherry said, "Now that we got you, we are going for your kids next."
The parents gasped and Jack said, "If you even touch our kids, you are so dead."
"Oh I'm sowwy. SO WHAT?" Cherry.
"What are you gonna do about it? Huh?" David said mockingly and walked out the door.
Alex tried to do a spell on them but couldn't. "What? How come I can't use my magic?" Alex asked curiously.
"We put a clamp on your leg so you can't use your powers. And if you are thinking of escaping, don't. The clamp can only be removed with either me or David's fingerprint. So.. Don't even try." Cherry snickered.

Kids POV

"Guys, do you know why we gathered you here?" Alisa asked.
"No." Felix said.
Everyone rolled his eyes at him and said, "YES."
"Our parents went missing a few days ago. We have to save them. I have been watching them from my spy ball and saw that they have been captured by Morina's kids, David and Cherry."
Felix raised his hand.
"Yes, Felix?" Alisa asked.
"Our kingdom has been attacked by vines."
" I know, that is why I have gathered all of you at the Camelot library." Alisa said.
"I have a plan to save our parents and the world!"
"We need a leader though." Hero said.
"OK guys, start discussing, I need water."
When Alisa came back, She realised everyone voted for her.
"You guys, voted for me?" Alisa asked surprised.
"Yeah sissy. You are the most powerful among us, has the best leadership qualities, is the bravest and you are always the best sissy ever!!" Alexander said.
"Awh, thanks lil bro." Alisa said, "Now, LET'S GO SAVE THE WORLD!"
All the kids cheered.

Parents' POV

"The only thing you will get from us is this spy ball, and food everyday." David said.
"OK... Thanks?" Alex said.
"Adiós people!" David and Cherry said as they slammed the door.
"we can now look at our kids." Red said.

"Guys, do you know why I gathered you here?" Alisa said.
"No." Félix said.
Everyone rolled their eyes at him and said, "YES."
"Our parents went missing a few days ago and we have to save them. I have been watching them from my spy ball and saw that they have been captured by Morina's kids, David and Cherry."
"WHAT!?" all the adults shouted except Red.
"Shhh guys. Listen."
Félix raised his hand.
"Yes, Félix?" Alisa asked.
"Our kingdom has been attacked by vines."
Red and Froggy's face lost some of its colour.
"I know, that is why I gathered you all at the Camelot library." Alisa said, "I have an idea to save our parents and the world!"
"We need a leader though." Hero said.
"OK guys, start discussing, I need water."
The group went into a group huddle as soon as Alisa left to get water.
"Guys, I vote for Alisa." Ramona said.
"Same here." All the other kids said in unison.
Alex and Arthur smiled at each other.
"Hey guys! Im back." Alisa said, who did you choose.
"You." Félix said.
Alisa's mouth hung open and stared in shock.
"You guys voted for me?" Alisa asked surprised.
"Yeah sissy, you are the most powerful among us, has the best leadership qualities, is the bravest and you are always the best sissy ever!" Alexander said.
All the parents smiled at each other.
"Awh, thanks lil bro." Alisa said, "Now, LET'S GO SAVE THE WORLD!"
All the kids cheered.
And the spy ball went black.
"CONGRATS ALEX AND ARTHUR!" Goldie, Jack, Red, Froggy, Conner and Bree shouted.
"What is it for?" Alex asked.
"You have the bravest and most thankful kid among us. And she is the leader of the group like you, Arthur." Bree said.
"Thanks guys." Arthur said.
"Alisa got her bravery from her parents, her look from Arthur, her leadership qualities from Alex, her thankfulness from Alex and lovingness from Alex."Red said.
"Awh. Thanks guys." Alex said, "Let's wait for our kids and brainstorm to escape this cell.

This is chapter 1. Hope you like it guys! ❤️ Love you guys!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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