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 Izuku woke up in a cold sweat. Slowly, sleep was beginning to evade him. Every night he would either lie awake, staring at the ceiling, or fall asleep and immediately wake up like this. He didn't know why, other than the feeling of being constantly watched. In class, he struggled to stay awake with the dark circles under his eyes gradually mixing in with his litter of freckles.

People were beginning to notice, too. They would hear his footsteps wandering around the dorm late at night in random directions, or the creak of his door opening and shutting at hour intervals. Ochaco would ask him if he was okay in class, and bring tea and coffee to him, insisting that he drink just to keep his energy up. She was no stranger to losing sleep either. In fact, none of the class was. That's how they knew, really. They would lie in a sleepy daze, just listening to everything around them. Yet, somehow, most of them would come to class with a smile on their face, the smell of coffee and energy drinks fresh on their breath.

Izuku rubbed his eyes , going over his sensitive lids with slow circles and a small sigh. He knew it was a lost cause going back to sleep. He sighed again, and yawned, before stretching and slipping out of bed with sore muscles. With a big umph, he stood at his window, sliding it open and stepping outside into the crisp, early morning air. He took a deep breath, in through the nose, out through the mouth, just like Shoto taught him during their weekly meditation (Izuku insisted it would help harness and hone into his power, so Shoto agreed to show him how). He looked around before taking a light step onto a clattering plate. He looked down to see a plate of cheese. Brie this time. He was starting to recognize them by this point.

"Aoyama," he whispered, before sitting down before it and picking it up gently into his lap. Underneath it was a note. He nibbled on the soft, earthy cheese, letting it fill his senses.

"Dearest, Midoriya,

As I evade my needed beauty sleep, I hear your footsteps. They begin to become less and less calming. They used to lure me to sleep, but now they begin to worry me, especially after seeing you nod yourself awake in the classroom. Are you okay? I know I don't ask much on my part, which is silly of me. I'm starting to think I should ask you more, and check in more on you. You are one of my dearest friends, Midoriya. Please don't be afraid to reach out.

Your Fried, Yuga"

He sighs again, "Aoyama," once again slipping past his chapped lips. He decides to get up. He was going to pay his friend a visit. As he walks through the dark, empty halls, he thinks about him. Aoyama's bright smile used to make him smile, and blush. Of course it did. He blushed at everything. Ochaco compared him to strawberry more than once when she would hold his and Iida's hands while they walked. Soft hands, his mind began to wander. They always walked like that, hand in hand. They often got weird looks, but at this point, who really cared?

He approaches Aoyama's door. Before he could even knock, he hears footsteps approach him.

"Of course you would come, I knew you would, dear Garcon,"

Aoyama had two cups of tea, a bundle of grapes, and more cheese, Of course more cheese, on a large platter he carried like a waiter.

Go ahead and go inside, I'll be right behind you."

Izuku turned the handle and stepped inside, going behind the door and holding it open for his friend behind him. Aoyama set the platter on his empty nightstand, then gestured for Midoriya to sit on the bed with him with the light wave of his hand.

Izuku sat down with a plop, causing Aoyama to jump slightly before giggling softly and handing him the tiny cup. Izuku noticed the decals. Momo gave this set to Aoyama for his birthday. He remembers that day vaguely. Lots of glitter.

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