Chapter 1 - Seven Days of Terror

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It had been seven days since your life had changed. For better or for worse? You were still unsure of the answer to that question.

Seven days ago your life was almost taken by an alien robot, who you now knew as Starscream. Starscream was part of the Deceptacon race from a far away planet called Cybertron where a war raged out between the two resident species; the deceptacons and the autobots destroying all life, rendering their home planet uninhabitable. In a desperate attempt at survival an autobot scout, B-127 who we all now know as Bumblebee, was sent to earth to establish a base for the surviving, rebel group of autobots. He was then to be joined by any remaining survivors as soon as escape was possible. However, they were followed, the Deceptacons followed the Autobots to Earth to destroy the remaining rebels and find resources to re-build their race. Little did they know the resistance they would be met with would be fierece and unyielding from both Autobots and the human race.

Seven days ago Starscream dangled you from one thousand feet as he teared through the sky. A yellow and black Camero raced through the war ridden streets below, dodging fighting robots and debris as it glided over the cracked concrete. You knew whoever was driving the Camero was clearly a skilled driver and it appeared as though they were tracking the flying robot who was currently taking great delight in the chase and your soon to be untimely death - your life was literally in his hands.
The robot cackled and wheezed as it screamed to the racing Camero down below "come on then Bumblebee, is that the best you've got. I'm starting to get tired of this chase. I may just find that my grip loosens on this innocent civilian. Such a waste really, she is rather pretty for a petty human"
As the robot finished shouting you began to feel yourself slipping slightly from his digits. A scream of terror ripped from your white lips as you anticipated the plunge to your death. Over your screaming you heard a whizzing screech from below, Starscream began to cackle again.
"Oh come on Bee, you can't protect this weak, pathetic being and fight me at the same time. That is suicide!" it wheezed.
A difiant whirl came from the streets below as the robot released its grip on you. You didn't even have the strength to scream as fear paralyzed you as you hurtled towards the Earth. You could sense Starscream pursuing your fall, but you knew he was not going to attempt to save you. You closed your eyes tight and waited for the moment of pain before the darkness took over.

It seemed as though you were moving in slow motion, you felt as though you had been falling for hours. Below you could hear the scraping noise of metal on metal, you didn't want to open your eyes to see what was causing the sound, but you assumed it was from the distant fighting alien robots. How had your day come to this? This morning was just any other boring day in your mundane human life, and now you were plummeting to your death after being abducted and droped from the sky by some creepy, alien robot.

You continued to brace yourself for the impact that never quite came. You made contact with something but, it didn't feel like concrete and you definitely didn't feel like you were dead. The total, formidable darkness did not envelope and swollow you, dragging you down to nothing. The suface you had landed on was firm, but forgiving. It felt much like metal but it wasn't cold and inanimate, it felt was though there was a pulsing heat coursing through it - as though it were alive.
"You will be ~ okay, you are ~ safe". You couldn't quite understand what this voice was, it sounded like someone was speaking through song lyrics.

You have got to be joking. I may not feel like I'm dead but I have now officially gone crazy if I'm hearing speech in song. You thought to yourself.

"You can ~ open your eyes ~ now ~ love" the strange voice said.

Obeying the stange voice, you slowly opened your eyes, it took a while for your eyes to adjust to the light but when they did they were met wth two piercing blue optics. You could see the honesty and loyalty beaming out of the robot's optics but your muscles braced in fear.

"Everything ~ is going to be alright ~ I will never hurt you" the robot almost cooed.

You swallowed a lump in your throat and bobbed your head slightly, trying to show the robot that you believed him - it was going to be a while before you gained enough strength and got over the shock enough to speak again.

A wheezing cackle came from behind the yellow and black bot. "I will never understand the Autobot's need to co-exist with these lesser beings" Starscream wheezed in a patronizing tone.
At the sound of Starscreams voice Bee almost growled with rage as his protective helmet fell over his face. He set you gently on the ground and firmly stated "you must ~ run ~ and ~ hide, ~ I will find you". You really didn't' want to leave the safety of this robots side but you knew what was about to happen, and you couldn't bare to be a hinderance or distraction to the robot who just saved your life as that could cause the end of his.

You ran to safety, as fast as your leaden legs could carry you. You ran towards a nearby building and took shelter under its canopy, just as you spun around to watch the interaction between the two bots you saw Starscream fly through the air, launching himself at Bumble Bee with such force, a deadly crack sounded as their bodies colided. Tears began to stream down your face, you were so unsure whether Bee was going to make it out alive, let alone win the fight.

The fighting went on for what seemed like hours, dusk was approaching. You had no idea who was winning or losing, you just hoped that your saviour would make it out alive.
A yellow and black armoured fist rose into the air and slammed down on Starscream's face with a ground shaking force. Bee straightened himself and turned to you with a caring smile. As he began to walk back towards you, Starscream began to stir behind him.

"BEHIND YOU!" you screamed at Bee as Starscream snuck up behind Bee with a broken lamp post, just as Bee was turning to face his opponent Starscream hit Bee over the head with great force. Bee hit the ground with a heavy thud. Starscream turned to you with a malicious grin, "well I better make sure I finish the job properly this time" he cunningly weezed. He began to take slow, purposeful steps towards you. You knew you had no where to run, there was no point in trying, this is how it was going to end.

As you looked past Starscream to Bee. He was lying on the floor, his arm outstretched weakly with desperation twisted in his features.

"It's okay" you confirmed to the struggling bot "you tried your hardest, I guess I can't escape death twice, eh?" you exclaimed, determined not to show your predator your fear.


You tossed and turned as the reocurring nightmare sent chills of terror through your body. You were sticky with sweat, your hair dishelved, and the sheets wrapped around you like a boar constrictor as you desperately tried to escape. A scream tore its way from your moistened lips as you prepared for the pain of death.

It had been seven days since Bee had saved your life, and still the nightmares lived on, but in these night terrors, Bee was unable to save you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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