New Years Eve - George Weasley

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You had never been a big fan of the new years eve tradition of making a new years resolution. It was obvious that most people's probably wouldn't last longer than a week, let alone a year and for it to last for longer than that? Hah, impossible.
This is why you stared absent mindedly out of the Gryffindor common room's window as your group of friends chatted about the new year resolutions they were going to make that year.

"Well, I am going to push myself academically" Hermione exclaimed "I am going to receive top marks in all my classes".
"That's a bit pointless isn't it?" Ron questioned,
"and why is that Ronald" Hermione retorted
"you're already the smartest witch in our year. I'm sure you haven't received anything less than an OUTSTANDING in all your classes!"
"Well not quite. I did get an Exceeds Expectations for one of our practicals in postions. Although it wasn't entirely my fault..."

You tuned Hermione out at this point, as much as you loved her, her voice did begin to grate on you whenever she started to talk about school work. Rolling your eyes you turned your attention to the twins who looked just as disinterested with Hermione's story as everyone else.

You have never had any issues telling the twins apart, well I suppose it always helps when you're madly in love with one of them and have been from the moment they said 'hi' to you on your first day at Hogwarts. From the moment you met him, George Weasley could make you laugh even on your worst days. You had often dreamed about what it would be like to call him yours. To have him hold you, to be able to kiss him whenever you wanted but, you knew that would never happen. In all the years you had known George he had never expressed anything more than friendship towards you. With all the time you spent with the twins you were certain that if something were to happen between you it would have done so already

Hah, maybe I should have a new years resolution this year. Get over George fucking Weasley. You thought to yourself.

You were lost in thought, not really aware of the fact that you were still staring directly at George. Shaking your head slightly, you cleared any remaining thoughts about the impossible challenge of getting over George Weasley. As your focus began to return to the room you noticed that George was staring back at you with a slight frown upon his face. Blushing you quickly looked to the floor in front of you, letting your (h\c) hair act as a curtain shielding your blushing face from his view.

"Fine Ron what is your new years resoultion?" Hermione asked with a huff. It had obviously only been minutes since you were distracted by the thought of George. It seemed funny how time passed differently when you were thinking about your crush or in his presence.

"I want to become the next Keeper for the Gryffindor Quidditch team" Ron explained excitedly.
"Good Luck!" the twins sarcastically replied in unison.
"Well I know I will need to practice a lot to be good enough but I think I could do it if I really tried" Ron replied, now slightly unsure of himself.
"You're going to need more than practice mate" Fred said through laughter
"Yeah" George agreed "it's going to take a miracle for you to make the team" The whole group began to laugh whilst Ron turned beet red.
"You know what, I've had enough of this. I think I'll go and celebrate the new year on my own" said Ron glumly as he got up and walked towards the portrait hole.
"RON WAIT!" Harry shouted as Ron walked through the portrait hole and out of the common room. Harry and Hermione scrambled to their feet and after telling what was left of the group they would see them a bit later, they too left the common room following Ron out of the portrait hole.

"Well now you two have upset everyone" Ginny giggled, "I'm going to go talk to Lavender and Parvati. I'll catch up with guys again before midnight, or when mr sulky pants comes back. Whichever comes first" you smiled at Ginny as she turned to leave still giggling slightly.
However, your grin quickly faded when you realised it was just you and the twins left, sat in what was a circle but now appears to be more of a triangle.

Harry Potter Imagines, One Shots, Smuts Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ