wrong notebook

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'Shit' was all Noah could think right now.

He was stuck in a god-awful situation, watching in agony as the nerdy teen that he may or may not be secretly crushing on walk away with a dreadful notebook now stuffed into his backpack.
That notebook?
Noah's sketchbook.
In that sketchbook?
Sketches of the geek.

Great, Noah now regretted being so cheerful when the teacher reassigned seats, having the opportunity to sit next to this nerdy kid. Even worse, Cody always tried to pick up conversations from him, which sometimes he would be intrigued and trying to stifle laughter while other times he would be his curt self, just a little less genuine with the tone.
So, this nerd? Cody.
Now Cody was walking away obliviously, completely unaware that he didn't pack the right notebook into his bag.
Noah sat there in a state of momentary shock as he held the notebook he believed was his, but was revealed to actually be Cody's damn english notebook.
The one Cody thought he picked up.

Stupid mistake, really.
The bell finished ringing, releasing Noah from his mind into reality. Trying not to freak out, Noah rushed as quickly as he could and kept his eyes on the back of Cody's head while he put on his own backpack, now making it out the classroom alongside a couple of other students, though most didn't seem to be as much of a rush.

"Hey! Noah!"

'not right now, fuck-', Noah cussed mentally, dreading to be called over by his friend at the current moment. It was Owen, who stood against some lockers with his crazy ginger friend, Izzy.
Noah ignored the other, making a quick excuse as he speeded past the two, cussing under his breath after he nearly tripped- but hey, he could see Cody more clearly now that he dashed by.
Good, he was near Cody.

Owen stared at the lanky teen with confusion, wondering if he should ask about what just happened, but was distracted once he was paying his attention back onto Izzy who was trying to open her locker with her teeth.

Noah huffed as he watched Cody turn a corner, nearly walking as fast as Noah attempted to so he could catch up.
Why the fuck was Cody in a rush!?

Luckily, he realized Cody was just heading towards the restroom and won't be lost out of sight.
He understood the rush now, and decided to wait outside the stalls and leaned against the wall. Cody nearly ran to a stall, not bothering to check who was outside the stalls; Ahem. Noah.
After finally taking a piss, Cody sighed and happily left the stall, now going to wash his hands.

"Oh, hey, Noah!"

Looking up from the floor tiles, Noah felt a wave of anxiety and butterflies hit him.
Cody turned off the sink and began flapping his hands in an attempt to dry them.
Noah snorted, trying to keep calm and honestly trying to distract himself from the problem in hand, "hey. yknow there's paper towels for that, right?"
Cody then dried his hands on his own shirt, "nah, they ran out. Hey, why are you waiting? all the stalls are open, dummy."

Noah, frankly not knowing how to feel about being called "dummy" by Cody, felt heat rise to his face. Deciding to get it over with, he stopped leaning against the wall and took a step closer, "actually, you have my notebook. You accidentally took the wrong one last class period. You also left your actual notebook, which i have. So, I believe the dummy here is you."

Cody visibly darkened, his pale cheeks a dusty pink now, "oh! haha, guess I was in such a rush that i didn't realize! Really needed to take a piss, y'know? well, uh, lemme get your notebook, dude."

Noah felt himself become even more nervous now, hoping Cody wouldn't open the notebook, but simply give it back.

Unluckily, Cody was a clumsy guy.

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