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Tfw there's a rumor that after Steve the next four fighters on FPV2 are Sephiroth, KOS-MOS, Reimu Hakurei and Crash Bandicoot

And uhhhh we got the first person on that list

And also, there's a possibility that if that rumor's true, T-elos could be a differently voiced KOS-MOS alt

And u can't decide whether to simp for Sephiroth or stan T-elos so u do both and you end up shipping them and OOPS-

Yeah. Enjoy the snark-filled hotness.

One last thing T-elos has her Xenoblade 2 appearance here



Well... this was certainly an unexpected turn of events.

The T-weapon developed by the Galaxy Federation, T-elos, and the legendary SOLDIER himself, Sephiroth, were assigned the same apartment in Smash Tower.

As in... as if they were a cohabiting couple.

This is bullshit, T-elos thought. Absolute bullshit. I'm stuck with him? In this manner, no less? I haven't even interacted with him since he first showed up here!

Meanwhile, Sephiroth was silently observing T-elos. T-elos... according to the dossier I received before I arrived, she's somehow... a cyborg and an android at the same time... her body is roughly 80% organic, as opposed to her predecessor, KOS-MOS, who's completely mechanical. Also, her AI... also unlike KOS-MOS, she seems sapient and expresses emotions like a human. Subtly smirking, he thought, I'd like to see what makes her tick...

Noticing her... roommate, for lack of a better term, staring daggers into her, T-elos turned to him and quipped, "Well? What are you looking at?"

"...Nothing," the silver-haired swordsman answered her calmly, as if to downplay his intentions. "Since we'll be stuck together here... better here than with everyone else, right?"

"What are you implying –" T-elos began before commenting, "I... guess you're right. I've seen the way you entered this tournament, and... I have to admit, you're probably one of the few people here I can tolerate. I can't stand most of the people here."

"Only 'tolerate'? Harsh..." The genetically enhanced SOLDIER snarked. "But I can relate. I honestly can't say I'm too fond of most of the people here either..."

Just a coincidence, T-elos thought. We're both... those kinds of people so it doesn't take much for us to be on the same wavelength. She shook her head. No, no developing any kind of feelings. This is how they get you, and I don't have time for that. Glancing at him as he closed his eyes and smiled in a somewhat smug manner, she wondered, Who does that asshole think he is? Wonder if he'd be singing the same tune when I'm grinding my heel into his chest...

"Oh, another thing," Sephiroth told T-elos. "I've seen the way you fight as well. It's... very impressive. A bit... on the crude side, but very efficient."

Perhaps... provoking her like this...? Let's see how she likes this taste of her own medicine...

"Crude?!" T-elos spat.

I was right, he's a complete asshole! T-elos then took a few deep breaths to calm herself. No... stay calm. Can't let him see that I'm playing into his hand... just what is he scheming?

"Y-yeah, so I can destroy my opponents just as efficiently as you. So?" T-elos glared at Sephiroth as she rebutted him. "Are you trying to flatter me? Because it won't work."

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