The Letter

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Getting ready to walk back to the Dursley's to get back to bed, you hear a owl. Looking up a piece of paper, an envelope fell to you. Grabbing it, it had your name on it.

Dear Y/n L/n

We are proud to inform you that you have been excepted into Horgwarts School the Witchcraft and Wizardy. We will send someone to pick you up, on the day of the full moon.


Professor McGonagall

"Full moon? Thats tomorrow night!" You state and fold the letter into your pocket. Your mother told you about magic before she died. She was a witch as well, that was how she met your Dad.

Running back to the house, you sneak through the window. Quickly and quietly you walk to Harry's "room" under the stairs. You unlock it and open the door.

"Harry....Harry wake up." You whisper

"Y/n?" He asks tiredly

"Listen, I've got to leave tomorrow."

"Where are you going?" Harry asks

"I've got to somewhere for awhile. But I'll be back. I promise I will write." You whisper


*Next Moring*

Walking into the living room, Harry and Dudly were still sleeping.

"We need to talk" You say to Vernine and Petunia.

"What is it." Vernine mouths off

"I'm leaving and won't be back besides for two months a year."

"Hogwarts" Petunia mutters

"Then go and don't come back." Vernine states

"I wont" You mouth off and stomp upstairs, they never cared about you. You were only there to have a roof over your head. They didn't truly care about you and you knew that. There was only one thing left to do.

"Harry..." You whisper

"Yeah?" You quickly turn around to see Harry watching from the stairs.

"Harry!" You yelp


"Let's go to my room." You sigh and he follows you to your room. Opening the door, you shut it behind him.

"Whats going on?" He asks, he had no clue of the Wizarding wold.

"I've got to go to a.... boring school."

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