What if you lied to me?

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" Are you absolutely sure about this, Brock?"

Brock sighed for what seemed like the thousandth time that night." Yes.I'm sure." His face was a mask of stone, but it did nothing to quell the Irish man's worries.

Nogla pushed himself off of the wall he was leaning on." But are you real-"

A loud bang shocked the taller man as Brock turned around with his teeth bared. His left hand was red from hitting the metal table top, but the sting was welcoming.

" Stop." Brock spit the word out clean and simple." Stop acting like this is such a big deal for me. I am more then capable enough to do this." Brock grit his teeth while squaring his shoulders. Hands turned into fists by his sides as veins began to pop out from the man's once smooth tan skin.

Nogla watched his friend in silence. His stomach twisting at Brock's shockingly scary snarl.

He hesitated with he next words." I-...I just though that-"

" That what?" Brock cut him off." That I'm not ready? Not good enough?" His eyes stared holes into Nogla's soul. He gestured his hands to the empty room around them." Look at everything I've done for this team-" Brock cut himself off to point at Nogla with a strict finger." For you! I have proved myself times and times again, that I'm ready, to get to this day! And you all still don't believe in me!"

Nogla averted his eyes from Brock's saddening glare. He took a chance to glance at the shelves of weapons and...more illegal things, but it all just made his stomach twist tighter.

Brock wasn't finished. Growling he strode forward and bunched a fist into the taller man's shirt. Not scared by a mile that he could easily be drop kicked to the floor.
He was too angry to let that happen.

" You want to know what Panda said to me this morning." Brock stated more than asked.

Nogla remained stoic, but he frowned at the use of their teammates codename. He tried to rest his hand on Brock's shoulder, but thought against it last second.

He only sighed.

Brock's glare hardened at the lack of response, and he dug his other fist into Nogla's shirt. Pulling the giant down to his level.

" He said that none of you guys ever believed in me...EVER!" His bottom lip wavered a bit, but Brock was quick to mask his obvious hurt.

" I didn't believe him...at first, but I soon saw...and heard it for myself." Brock sniffed. He let his eyes blow big and wide, almost like an owls, and lowered his voice.

" The walls have ears. Y'know.."

Realization hit the taller man like a lighting bolt. Time seemed to stop in that moment, and the stagnant air turned cold.

Nogla was too in shock to mask his own emotions. His jaw unhinged a bit and eyes widened.

" Brock, we-"

" Shut the fuck up."

Nogla snapped his mouth closed instantly.

Brock breathed heavily, and his grip on Nogla's shirt loosened. He stood back a bit as Nogla slightly uncurled from his hunched over position.

" I heard what you all said...and I know that it's true because I have been listening to it for the past months!" The more Brock spoke the more his irritation grew." Every night! I listen to the recordings, watch the cameras, and wonder if I'm still dreaming...that it's all a nightmare."

Nogla's heart constricts.

Brock aggressively wiped his hands down his face." But I know it's not! I know it's all fucking real and it just-" Brock cracked his head up to the ceiling and let his body shake in frustration."- it just makes me so fucking angry!"

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