1. Harry

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Time skip indicators: <3, :), :l, ^~^, ^_^

I whisper under my breath, "I love you, Draco." As I say it, I notice the manner in which his face shifts from a neutral tone, into quick deliberation then finally a look of discontent at my words. As if to say those four words should've never escaped my lips. I'm not sure why I expected anything back from him today. I mean, I must be insane. Doing this over and over, telling him I love him, expecting a different outcome each time. But alas, this is just who he is, how he is. Someone who can make or break my world as I know it, and for some sick, twisted reason, I can't seem to stay away.

Since our first encounter in the Room of Requirement, we've been tangled in each other's arms. I lean in to place my head on his shoulder, but he pulls back from the sofa right away, startling me. I nearly fall to the floor but my reflexes manage to keep me on my feet. Clearing his throat, he states, "I think its time I made my way back, potions homework won't write itself I'm afraid." I furrow my brows and smear my lips, understanding exactly what he's doing. I feel an unpleasant sensation begin to bubble in my chest, and I can barely hold myself back before I spit out-

"I could...accompany you?" He chuckles, a low sound in his throat. "Accompany me? What am I Potter, five?" I feel my cheeks begin to burn, and I open my mouth in a retort, but I quickly shut it, falling short of a witty comment. He begins to gather his things, grabbing his scarf, gloves, and wand. I manage to bite my tongue for all of thirty seconds before I break. "You can't run from me every time I say I lo-" I'm cut off by the loud clack of his book bag snapping shut. "Watch me," he replies matter-of-factly, before turning on his heel and storming off. I call his name several times, but he doesn't look back. Left alone on the plush leather sofa, tears well up at the corners of my eyes as I'm consumed by the weight of his departure.

<3 <3 <3 <3

I fumble with my fingers nervously. "Do you really believe I'm up to something mischievous, Hermione?" She looks me in the eyes, sending a shudder down my spine. She sighs, "I would not be having this conversation with you if I was not completely sure of myself, Harry." I nod briefly. In a feeble attempt to lighten the mood I state, "And here I believed I was the most discreet wizard at hogwarts."

Her lips thin into a line as she stares at me blankly. I gulp, preparing for what's next. "Every night at 11 pm Harry, you sneak out of the dorms with your wand and other things then come back around 2 in the morning. Your hair is even more dishevelled than usual, lips red and swollen, angry marks down your neck, which I may add are hidden with a glamor job exuted so terribly that even a first year could do better. And, let's not forget the mismatched or missing socks." Her gaze lifts from my feet as she stands, facing me at eye level. Im sure she notices my eyes, wide brimmed in shock. She begins to step forward, leaning into my space. "And you do it all, WITHOUT your invisibility cloak." My jaw finally drops at that and I sputter, trying to lie my way out of this. "Save it Harry, just tell me the truth, who is he?" She asks, emphasizing the word "he"

My jaw drops even further and I swear I feel it reach the ground. "I don't- I didn't- But I never..." Hermione smiles at my expletives. "Oh I forgot to mention didn't I? You-" She stabs at my chest with her pointer finger then continues "-come back smelling like cologne that isn't yours, deep, sharp, rich, and pungent, the expensive kind. He must be wealthy." I immediately scratch the non-existent itch at the base of my neck, shaking my head as if it'll change her mind, stop her from exposing me any further. "Harry, please, I just want you to let me in, to let me help"

At that, I nibble the velvety flesh on the inside of my cheek. "I'll tell you about him, I'll even tell you about us, but I can't tell you who he is... not- not yet 'Mione." I swallow, my face searching for an understanding in hers. When I find it, I let go of the breath I wasn't even aware I was holding. She grabs my hand, the earnest expression on her face tugs at my heartstrings. "Im here Harry, I really am. Whenever you need me, and Ron too"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29 ⏰

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