Spanish Nights

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"Do you think we'll be friends after this semester?"

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"Do you think we'll be friends after this semester?"

My camera whirrs softly as it prints the picture I just took. Holding the thick photograph between my fingers, I turn to the figure sitting beside.

Jasper Reed, as I've figured out over the past few, is somehow even hotter at night. His inky hair looks even darker against the navy night sky and the flickering city lights seem contained entirely in his wide green eyes. Not that I'd ever tell him as much. He'd never shut up again. 

"Yes?" I aim a puzzled look his way. "Why wouldn't we be?"

Jasper shrugs, turning his gaze back to the bustling streets and I do the same. I had been sure that this semester abroad would end up being a bad idea. That halfway through, I would be cursing myself for flying across the world with 3 years of Spanish experience, taking classes that I could just as easily have taken on campus, just without the pretty scenery. I am happy to say that I was wrong. 

"I mean we'll be in different time zones and all. And we can't just meet up whenever we want like we do now..."

Of course, the best part of this all has been Jasper. When I had walked into my first anthropology lecture to see an attractive, mysterious boy sitting in the back-corner of the class next to a window, I knew that I was having my main character moment. Of course, then I started to talk to him and he about as far away from the angst-ridden boy with a good heart of romance novels as possible. 

Jasper Reed burns rice and can't pronounce "hors d'oeuvres" and doesn't see anything wrong with the stack of books on his bedside table almost reaching the ceiling. And being able to sit with him like this on a brisk night in Madrid is everything I could ever have wanted.

"If you don't like me, you can just say that," I tease, flashing him a grin without actually looking at him.

"You know that's not what I mean..." He sounds sullen enough that I almost feel bad about messing with him. I know I'm not supposed to do this but I just can't help it. I reach over and hand him the picture that has been developing this entire time. As he takes the time to examine it, I slowly lean over, resting my head gingerly on his shoulder. I feel the way his body instinctively jerks back in shock for a moment before he forces himself to relax. I close my eyes like that will stop the way I feel his gaze searing into me. 

"I wouldn't worry about that."

There's a pause and then a soft sigh as I feel his body relax entirely as he leans his own head atop mine. "Whatever you say princess."

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