Ice Cream

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Ever since the mastermind with the golden touch retired from being the head of G.H.O.S.T, he opened a little bar in Pleasant Park, working with the most dedicated bounty hunters across Apollo island. Not long ago, a bounty hunter squad who called themselves 'The Interdimensionals' started working with him, hunting down the most 'evil of evil' across the island. Right now it was night time, the moonlight glowing brightly and the stars shimmering in the night sky. At this time, the bar was usually quite quiet, no one was there but a selected few, including a certain white haired ninja and mysterious spirit warrior.

"Oh, cmon! Spirits, demons, whatever you are, have hearts too, right?" Razor asked, before turning over to look at Midas. "One glass of white wine please!" She said with a smile, before turning back to her comrade. Kondor didn't answer, his head against the table, a glass of whisky beside him. Razor saw the glass and thought of it as a chance to try and get him to open up. "Got anyone you're interested in?" She asked with a bright smile.

The spirit shivered at the question, and kept quiet for a moment. Regardless, after a moment of silence, he answered. "I mean, I guess one..." He muttered, loud enough for the ninja to hear. "Ooh! Who is the lucky girl, or guy? By any chance, are they from our squad? I could try and help you get together with them!" She asked and offered with a giggle. Kondor tried to ignore that question at first. "COME ON, TELL ME!" Razor shouted like an excited child, curious to know who that person is.

This caused Kondor to feel uncomfortable, and he snapped back at Razor, feeling annoyed. "NO! Lexa would think I'm childish if I-" He paused, completely horrified at what he just spilled. "Oh no." He then muttered in defeat. He eventually sighed before laying down back on the table again.

Razor cheered internally, the voices in her head screaming with excitement. "Oh wow! Don't worry buddy, I totally get why you like her." She said as she tried to pat his back, but he interrupted her mid way. "Don't touch me." Kondor said coldly, making Razor put her hand away. "Alright alright!" The ninja started, and backed off with hands up as if she was surrendering. "But like, she's sweet and kind, and full of sunshines and rainbows! I gotchu homie!" She continued with a chuckle.

"I guess so. Don't tell this to anyone or..." He eyed her from under the dark mist and said, sitting up and moving his hand across his neck as if to gesture that she'd be dead if she told anyone. Surprisingly, the ninja didn't seem intimidated at all. "You can trust me, my friend!" She then saluted jokingly, the spirit being not amused as usual.

Midas unintentionally heard the whole conversation, but decided to stay quiet for the sake of both of them. He wouldn't want to seem rude. After all, the two were frequent customers at the bar. He continued washing his dishes, this time paying attention to what the two were gonna say.

"Fuck you for asking." The spirit said miserably, causing the ninja to laugh. "Hey, curiosity got me this time! Not completely my fault!" Razor defended, putting her arms in a combat position jokingly as if to challenge him. "You know that isn't a good idea, right?" He played along, raising up his arm as if ready to summon something. "Oh ho, I'm ready for it!" She then replied, grinning. And right at that moment, Midas looked up in the direction of the entrance, a smirk appearing on his face as he saw a certain someone skip into the bar, opening and closing the door as she entered.

The ninja instantly noticed this, and turned her head slightly to look at what caught Midas' eye. At the moment she recognized the familiar figure, she instantly smirked as well. "oHohO!" She exclaimed, before she nudged the spirit beside her to grab his attention, gesturing to their teammate. "What is it-" Kondor said with a slightly annoyed tone, and turned to look as well.

But as soon as he saw their teammate at the door, he froze for a second before turning back around, once again resting his head on his arms, which were on the table. "Oh god..." He muttered quietly, Razor trying to stifle a giggle at this. "Speak of the devil. I'm heading out!" Razor chuckled, and got up from the seat. As she headed towards the exit, she smiled at her teammate. "Hi Lexie, bye Lexie!" She said, before opening the door, walking out of the bar and closing it behind her.

Ice Cream - A Fortnite C2S5 One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now