Chapter 1

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"You will never kiss my son in this household again!"

"Yes, ma'am. I understand. It won't happen again." The young girl walked out of the room, ashamed of herself and left the front door. Not daring to look back or even say goodbye to the man she loved. As she walked out the door she began crying as she touched her lips, remembering the kiss. She ran home, or to what she could even call home. She lived alone after her parents kicked her out of the house for dating at such a young age, according to them.

"But mom! I asked her to kiss me! She didn't do it herself. I wanted her. Don't just kick her out of the house like that!"

"NO! You do what I say and I say that she shouldn't be welcomed here anymore and much less kiss you in MY HOUSE!"

"You're just as bad as dad! No wonder you both live alone now!"

"Don't you ever say that to me again! You know well enough what happened and why we needed to get a divorce. Besides, he has a girlfriend now and I'm married!"

"I can't stand you anymore! I'm leaving this house and finding my girlfriend so I can take her home."

"If you leave this house, you're never coming here again."

"Then I guess you no longer have a son."

The young man stormed out of the house, taking his belongings with him running after the girl he loved. It was a good thing that he was familiar with the area around him and she wasn't. After running for a few blocks he noticed a girl walking slowly on the street holding onto herself. He ran towards her until he stood in front of her. She was looking down at the ground and didn't look up until she bumped into him.

"Oh sor-" she never finished her sentence because she was cut off by someone's lips against hers. She was shocked, but was so sad and lonely that she kissed the young man back without even knowing who it was.

"Why did you kiss me if you didn't even know it was me?"

She looked up at the person standing in front of her. Instead of answering she fell to the ground and started to cry. The young man kneeled down next to her and held her in his arms. She accepted the embrace and cried even more knowing it was him. He picked her up, still crying, and walked to a near bench where he sat down holding her in his lap like a small child. They stayed that way until she slowly stopped crying and started to fall asleep in his arms. They were out in public, but he didn't mind knowing that she now felt content and safe.

"Darling wake up. Let me take you home where it's safe"

"No, I don't want to go home. I want to stay here with you for a while."

"But dear, we're out in public. It's going to get dark soon and you need to get home."

"Please. Please don't take me home."

"Dear what's wrong? Why don't you want to go home? Is it your parents? Did you get into a fight with them again?"

The young girl got up from his embrace and proceeded to walk away. He got up and walked towards her and held her wrists so she couldn't get away from him.

"Dear, please, what's wrong?"

"I don't live with my parents anymore..." she looked down ashamed and slowly started to cry again. "I don't go to school either. I don't have the money to pay for my tuition and work two jobs and live alone in an apartment. And it's hard to pay my landlord with the minimal salary I make."

"Dear...why didn't you tell me? I could have helped you. You were about to graduate and seemed so excited about getting that internship and working a wonderful job."

"My parents kicked me out of the house when I began dating you. I had just turned 18 when I told them and they didn't accept that. Most of my tuition was already paid off, but when that expired and I had to pay on my own, along with the rent, I couldn't anymore. I was in my senior year. They told me I was going to be Valedictorian and I lost it all."

"Dear. Oh darling I'm so sorry. I didn't know. Why didn't you tell me?

"Because I thought you would make fun of me. Just like everyone else."

"You told other people and you didn't tell me? Dear, you can trust me. I have a stable job and also work with my dad. I could have given you the money if that's what you needed."

"I don't want your money. I wanted to earn my education, not like everyone else who already had everything laid out for them."

The young girl cried and wouldn't meet his eyes. As she talked her voice got softer as she choked out her words. She twisted her hair between her fingers, as she always did when she was nervous, and let her tears fall freely. The young man tried to console his hurting girlfriend, but couldn't think of anything to do.

"You know what" he finally stated. "How about we go to your apartment and watch movies together for the rest of the night and you can fall asleep in my arms. Then you will feel safe and you wouldn't have to be alone, since I know you're scared of the dark. I'll get you some breakfast tomorrow and we can talk about this a bit more once you have rested to see what we can do. Does that sound good to you?"

"It sounds wonderful, but I have to go to work today."

"Hmm. How about you let me call your boss and we'll tell him that you don't really feel good enough to go to work. Does that sound okay?"

"Mhmm. Yeah I like the sound of that."

Later -

"So, now that we have called your boss, what movie do you feel like watching?"

"I, uhh, don't really have the money to buy movies so I don't really know much about that anymore."

"Well good thing I know a lot about movies. Hey remember that movie I told you about, Five Feet Apart? Wanna watch that?"

"Yea, that sounds good"

The young girl layed down on her bed and covered herself with a blanket her mother had made for her when she was little. It wasn't much, but it kept her warm at night when she was alone. The young man played the movie and layed down next to her, embracing her frail body in his arms.

The movie played for about an hour when the young girl was finally fast asleep. She was exhausted from crying and felt safe and protected in the young man's arms. The young man noticed her breathing getting steady and turned off the movie so that she could sleep peacefully. She started shivering and whimpering in fear and stray tears rolled down her cheeks. He grabbed her blanket and laid her down properly covering her with it before laying down next to her.

He turned on a night light just in case she woke up at night and hugged her tight so that she could feel someone next to her. He kissed her forehead and whispered soft things into her ear until her breathing became steady again. Her body was so frail and weak after being alone for so long. He decided that he would come and visit her every weekend so that she wouldn't feel alone anymore. Watch a movie and stay the night holding her in his arms until she was fast asleep and content, even if it was only for a brief moment.

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