Talking about life with me, Xx-DREAMNOTFOUND-xX

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Life isnt fair to people sometimes...mabe your a deppresed kid in your class and somtimes you think..."No one likes me" or  "why don't they hang out with me?" or mabe others..Mabe you think that your not good enough, yea Ive been there...I mean I havent try killing myself or cutting my wrist... (PLEASE DON'T DO THAT) but sometimes I feel like I want to cut my wrist but im just to scared to... I mean I walk to my kitchen and I pull out my the a small but good size of a knife and I put it to my wrist and I just stand there staring at the knife to my wrist thinking, "I cant do this.." so I put the knife away and just go to my room. but the thing is...Ethier way if your sad or deppresed, you should not hurt yourself! if you hurt yourself and your hurting inside...then that just makes it worse! take me as an example, i never really hurted my self from sadness or deppression, but I am hurting inside...and it kinda hurts all the time...(Thats for part 2!) but I guess im pretty used to it I guess.. but please dont hurt yourself over deppression or because your sad...I know lifes just not fair for we could be good people and get all A+ and and is very popular and is friends with half of the school but the next day dies from poisoning or something... like I hear all the time, "Sometimes bad things happen to good people"

If you want a part 2 just let me know in the comments! also make sure to follow me for more! and try to find me in among us and roblox! dont know how? go to my profile!

                                                                   thank you for your time! ^^

Just talking about life with Xx-DREAMNOTFOUND-xX...Where stories live. Discover now