The Bite-Chapter 7

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"bye Harry see you next moon" he said as Harry went into the castle.

It had been a few days after his first moon. All Harry had to say was it was painful especially with the way gryffindor's were treating him.

They way they just sneer and Harry's had enough. So he marched up to the headmaster's office.
He mumbled the stupid password and knocked "come in" he heard Dumbledore call. So Harry hesitantly went in.

"Ah! Harry my boy what brings you here today?" The old wizard asked as the boy sighed "sir I need a re-sorting ever since the lions found out my condition I haven't felt safe in the common room" Harry stated

Dumbledore gasped "of course Harry we can do it tonight at dinner" he said with a soft twinkle in his eyes "thank you sir" Harry said as he walked out of the office and into the library to find Draco and Hermione.

Harry had a pretty good feeling as to were he'll end up. But nevertheless he sat next to Hermione and Draco "guys I did it I just asked Dumbledore for a re-sorting" Harry whispered happily.

Hermione gave a sad smile "I know it's best Harry but I'll really miss you" Harry smiled and hugged her "so what house does the almighty wolfie think he belongs in other than griffindor?" Draco said teasing Harry.

But Harry smirked "slytherin" he responded looking Draco dead in the eye. To say Draco was shocked was an understatement. But Draco recovered and smiled "oh yeah and why is that?" He asked cheerfully.

Harry smiled "I was almost sorted into slytherin" Harry retorted with. This caused the trio to quietly giggle. Harry then pulled out his potions book and actually studied.

After about an hour Harry got bored and went out to wonder the castle. Harry sighed and looked at the time and swore under his breath. He had to get to the great hall. Once he did he gave a breath of relief as he wasn't late. He sat down as Dumbledore stood up.

"Attention students a student has requested a re-sort out of safety concerns from their house mates so can one Harry James Potter come up here" everyone was shocked. But Harry walked up hiding how nervous he was.

So Harry sat on the stool and waited for the sorting hat to talk to him. "Ah I was starting to wonder when you'd realize that griffindors aren't as loyal as they say they are" Harry rolled his eyes "you know were to put me so just do it" he said.

The hat chuckled and shouted "slytherin!" Harry smirked and got up to walk towards the slytherin table when Ron made a scene


Dumbledore stood up quickly and raised his hand to get silence. "SILENT RONALD WEASLEY GO TO YOUR DORM ROOM YOU WILL STAY THERE FOR TWO WEEKS" Dumbledore shouted.

The shouting sent Harry into a panic attack. Draco saw Harry lean against the castle wall and cover his ears. He looked like he was about to cry. So Draco went over to him.

"Harry are you okay? Breath please just take a deep breath" Draco pleaded sadly. Harry then looked at his brother figure and hugged him sobbing.

"C-can you take me to the common room please?" Harry said and Draco nodded.

The Bite---adopted by QueHancokNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ