[Part 1]

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Soobin gasps, hands shivering as he latches on tightly on the leather reins. The rain continues to pour heavily in the evening darkening skies, his body wobble and is nearly thrown off his steed at least six times in the past 15 minutes.

"Easy Sean!! easy boy!!" he managed to rasp out between pants.

His clothes and cloak are soaked to the brim, but Soobin was far too preoccupied with making sure he doesn't fall off his horse to care. 

The Arab all but gallop at full speed through the quiet town in the Kingdom of Moa, its hoofs clinked in a fast-paced tempo against brick pavements and turns into mushy splashes once the dark woods come into view.

One hand on the rein and the other wrapped around Sean's neck, Soobin carefully began to tug the rein backwards, his heart easing when he could feel Sean's speed slowing down.

"That's it boy...take it easy" The rain thinned out into a light shower. The young man now canters his horse down the grass forest path.

The dawn's orange sky will fade to a dark night soon and he must find somewhere to settle down and hide as he does not have any sort of source of light.

Soobin cursed at himself, gritting his teeth in annoyance at his reckless decision. He jerks his hood off, letting his wet raven locks free, "I have to hide somewhere they can't find me..." he kept telling himself.

It wasn't his brightest ideas, frankly this is definitely the most idiotic choice he's ever made in his life. He knew in a few hours; they would notice he was missing and the whole kingdom would go uproar with search parties to find him.

Soobin shuddered, he doesn't know if he could go back to that life now that he's done this.

He groans out loud, earning a huff from his only companion at the moment. "Yes I know Sean, I'm an idiot...but it's better this way..." He muttered as he gently tangled his hand in Sean's brown mane.

"Sorry bud...but I really did not think this through enough....maybe for once, I should've actually listened to Hueningkai..."

The Kingdom of Moa has been ruled over by the royal family of Choi for generations. Choi Soobin was the current king and queen's middle child, second heir to the throne amongst the three royal Choi brothers.

Keyword: Was

He was announced as the heir to the throne two months ago when the eldest, Prince Choi Yeonjun chose to step down as heir to pursue his dreams to be a professional dancer.

Their father was quick to let him drop the position without much haste, growing up he knew Yeonjun could never be a proper ruler with how flamboyant and stubborn he was about dancing.

And when the eldest prince left to seek experience, the title of heir fell upon Soobin's shoulders. And if Soobin were to be honest, he did not mind, if his people needed him to be King one day and so be it. 

His youngest brother Beomgyu cheered him on, clearly, he did not want the throne either.

The youngest prefers to fence in the knights Hall or go out hunting and basically anything that involves a sword and fighting skills. Beomgyu has the makings of a great knight.

In all honesty, Soobin was probably the only one out of the three brothers who is equipped with all the required traits and abilities to take the throne.

Well, almost all....

Soobin has one big problem and that is he could not stand pressure or expectations; he has a wreaked self-esteem and confidence ever since he was a tall lanky 7-year-old who would try to hide behind Yeonjun during social gatherings and balls.

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