Chapter 1 "A quick history"

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May 26th 2100
I remember the war, so many innocent lives lost. I won't bore you with the whole story, I will tell you the story of the final year of the war. In order to start we must look back to 2073, when I was made, when my sisters were made. You see me and my sister we're not born like most people, we were made by splicing the DNA of animals. It was an attempt to create super soldiers, one that failed. We matured at roughly thirty eight times the speed of a normal person.  At the end of the first month of my life I had the intelligence of a four year old, at nearly half a year old I had the intelligence of an eighteen year old.

At what the staff say was looking around twenty five years old my aging stopped. This would prove to be a curse in time. Me and my sisters were not allowed to leave the building. Me and my then eight sisters where smarter then any at the compound. We knew all the codes for the doors, knew five different languages perfectly. There was only one problem, my sister Akagi she was either flirting with the staff, or trying to kill them.

At roughly a year old the lead scientist got a message from JRIG governments. We were supposed to be moved to the IRN Aries aircraft carrier. At the time of the message it was heading to the arctic to the base. Not so much a base as a heavily defined communication array.

It was not long after that that word reached us mass scale revolution was starting in Italy and Germany. A Russian commander by the name of Zera had defected to the UAFF and one of the new JRIG ships had been sunk and talk of the US navy having dragged the old Iowa super battleships out of service. At close to the same time the IRN Aries had been sunk by rouge German Air Force units and the remains of the Sayeret Matkal. The whole communication array was destroyed in the attack.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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