Chapter 1

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Carmen cortez,a 23 old lady,she works at the oss as a secret agent and a spy.Most of her family worked at either the lab or the oss except one person,her brother juni,she hasn't seen him in 7 years.He didn't even bother to keep in contact with her or their parents. Carmen got a call while she was making breakfast from her aunt marissa,she picked up and she was told to go to the oss and watch her step-kids,of course she said yes and marissa gave her their location.they were still 20 min away so she got changed and head to the oss

Once she got their she headed up to the platform where she saw 2 kids on the ground.They looked up at her and asked who she was and Carmen said¨Im carmen cortez,spy and secret agent at the oss¨she then again said ¨your step-mom is my aunt¨that shocked them.Carmen helped them off the ground and headed in the oss,she tried getting a hold of marissa but their was no answer.So Carmen decided to show the kids the old spy kids program,she let them each keep a gachet.Then they saw a video of juni and carmen when they were younger ,they asked carmen who he was and she answered bitter¨my brother juni¨they asked were he was and she answered fast¨we shall not speak of him¨they looked at each other and then she said¨lets go¨

They walked down to the room the kids will be staying in and before carmen left she saince one last thing¨we need to stop the time keeper before the time keeper stops time¨.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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