The Missing Scene

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Dila opened the door to the bathroom and was immediately met with the sight of Kuzgun sitting on the stool at the bottom of her bed in just his suit trousers, tying the laces on his shoes.

His head quickly shot up and his eyes met hers, both of them pausing at the sight of one another.

She felt her stomach run with butterflies and his intense stare burning into her as she stood still on the spot.

His back muscles flexed over his tanned smooth skin as he slowly stood up. Her eyes couldn't help but follow his movements, being transfixed by his towering height and form.

He scratched his beard, "Err, pardon...," he apologised and motioned to the stool, "I had more room to get ready here...," he cleared his throat, "I didn't think you would be out so soon"

Her eyes couldn't help but land on her name across his chest, carved over his heart.

The last time she had seen it was the night before she had been shot and the intense moment they had shared. It still lingered in her mind the words she had used that night.

She knew she was in his heart somewhere, deep down. Even if he pushed it so far down he could not even see it himself. But she knew that her name meant she held meaning and power over him.

But from feeling a sense of placement within him, to a sudden change of emotion as her eyes landed on her father's crossed off name on Kuzgun's abdomen. She instinctively looked away, feeling the pain of it being there along with her brothers that was yet to be crossed off, she dare not even think about that.

She shook her head, trying to get the thoughts out of her mind, "Yok...," she trailed off, "Iyi. Take as long as you need"

He nodded in gratitude, but he hadn't moved from his position at the end of the bed, he stood staring at her as she passed him and she swore she felt the heat radiating off of him.

For a moment closed her eyes and took a deep breath, he was making no attempt to hide that he was shirtless in front of her.

She tried to move past it in her mind, even if the vision of him shirtless was causing many sensations to coarse throughout her entire body. So to the best of her ability, she continued over to her wardrobe to pick her outfit for the evening.

However she felt his eyes on her, like his stare was burning a hole through her back as she ran her hands along her clothes.

With another deep breath she turned to face him and he quickly looked away from her. As he scratched his neck pretending that he hadn't been looking at her the whole time, he walked over to the sofa to pick up his crisp white shirt.

As he put his arms through the sleeves and started to do the buttons up, it was Dila's turn to stare as his abs tensed and disappeared under the fabric.

Dila cleared her throat. She was getting distracted by him and she couldn't allow herself to.

She ran her tongue over her lips and her eyes diverted away from him for a brief moment, "Err, I don't know what I should wear tonight"

Kuzgun looked back in her direction with a serious look upon his face, "Whatever you choose, it cannot draw any attention, we need to keep a low profile...."

She felt like rolling her eyes at him until she heard him scoff at his own words and he looked her up and down again.

"Ne?" Dila questioned, also looking down at herself, feeling very self conscious.

Kuzgun suddenly smirked and licked his lips, "Yani...," and he nodded in her direction, "you can't help but draw attention. It's impossible to avoid"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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