Period days

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Requested by Home664

Top kook
Bottom tae

So basically tae is like a girl in here

So for those who is bottomkook reader here please dont read this chapter if you dont want a bottom tae okayy? Okay thanks!!

Dont worry ill make a bottomkook version of this just wait!!

Well its been a long time since i right a topkook hehe i hope its not bad


Taehyung's P.o.v

I wake up feeling my lower abdomen hurt ahh i look at the calendar and wow yeah i forgot that's its my period today arghh

I quickly run to the bathroom to check if i still have some pads but unfortunately i dont have

"Jungkook!!" I shouted from the bathroom

"Yes tae?!" He shouted back

"Can you umm...b-buy me me some"


"Canyoubuymesomepads" i said in one breath goshh it will be embarassing if i will let him buy me some pads its the first time arghh

"Can you what?" He ask again

"Can you buy me pads?"finally I said it goshh i hope he is not mad

"Are you in your period?" He ask "Yes..."

"Okay ill be back okay? Stay there baby" he said then i heard footsteps run downstairs i sigh in relief thank god he is not mad

At the store

Jungkook's P.o.v

Im now in the store

"Excuse me? where can you see that pads for girls?" I ask the saleslady who is in 30s or 40s

"Ohh is it for your girlfriend? Just walk straight then left and you will see it" she said i smiled then thank her before rushing to that direction

I got to the pad section ( that doesnt sound right?) And quickly grab three packs of it then never forgetting to buy him chocolates and ice cream

After grabbing what i need i quickly go to the cashier (did i spell that right?)

"Hey pretty boy? Is this for your sister?" The cashier girl who is looking like a white lady because her face is so white,(but suga is whiter!) She ask me and i rolled my eyes gosh why does she have to flirt

"Will you just focus on your work? Or do you want me to call your manager to fired you? And fyi Its for my GIRLFRIEND so better back off you white lady" she look so offended when i call her white lady

"Sure he is handsome but he is no manners to girls how pathetic" i heard her mumbled but i dont give a fuck about it

"Here" she said handing me my groceries she rolled her eyes

I pay her and left the store and quickly went straight to home

Back to Taehyung's P.o.v

I was waiting here for 20 minutes ahh it really hurts i really dont like when im on my period

"Taehyung - ah baby! Here is your pads" i heard jungkook shouted my face lighten up

He passed me my pads and i quickly change some shorts but my lower abdomen is still hurting badly

I walk out the bathroom and greeted by jungkook who is playing with his phone and sitting on the bed

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