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        Panting heavily, Kaede rushed through the halls of Ouran Academy, anxious to meet up with her sister. They'd agreed to rendezvous at Auditorium 2, but despite it being their second year attending, Kaede had gotten lost somewhere in the music wing. Exhausted and annoyed, she stumbled through a random door and was immediately met by a very extravagantly dressed Tamaki Suoh.

        "Welcome, my lady," He bowed to her formally and flashed a bright smile. "How may we serve you today?"

        "Hello, Tamaki-kun," She said loftily. "My name is Kaede Akiyama. We have homeroom together. I'm sorry for interrupting your club time, but I seem to be lost. See, I was on my way to Auditorium 2 to meet up with my sister, Homura, and somehow I ended up here—would you be so kind as to point me in the right direction?"

        "But of course," He nodded. "Down the hall to the right, then take a left, down the stairs, and then the second door on the right. But you simply must come and visit after your little meet-up."

        "Thank you." She said. "Any specific time?"

        "Whenever you wish." He kissed her hand. "Now, go and meet with your sister. She's probably wondering where you are."

        Kaede smiled and walked off, carefully following the boy's directions. She wasn't affected at all by his flirting—she found it annoying and unnecessary, but it was entertaining to see him try. At least he was good with directions. In less than two minutes, she was standing in front of the doors to the auditorium. Inside, Homura was sitting on the edge of the stage, humming what sounded like "Frankie Teardrop," by Suicide.

        "Hey, 'Mura!" She waved at her twin, who was now jumping off the stage and running up to meet her.

        "Kaede! Why are you late?" Homura cocked her head in confusion.

        "I lost my way." She admitted. "Had a run-in with the Suoh kid. He was pretty helpful. Pointed me in the right direction. But he also tried to flirt. He's an idiot."

        "Total idiot." Homura agreed. "Doesn't he know you're lesbian?"

        "Not yet. In exchange for directions, I have to visit his 'host club.' I'm planning to spill the beans there." Kaede giggled. "Now, what're the plans today?"

        "We're going to prank Nekozawa-senpai. Nothing big, just make him think he's haunted—you know how gullible he is."

        "Okay. What should we do to convince him?"

        "Let's see..." Homura pondered for a second. "Itching powder in the hood, tripwires in the Black Magic clubroom. Not too many, not too few. The wires might dump putty on him? Not dangerous, but definitely annoying. Sound good?"

        Kaede hummed in agreement. "Great. We shouldn't do anything too mean, though. He's really nice once you get past that dark hood and the curse doll. Just wants to see his sister."

        Homura smiled softly. "That's really sweet. You're making me feel bad about this."

        "It's not a big deal. He won't know who did it—and he'd never suspect me. I'm usually friendly to him."

        "And a good thing you are." Homura snickered. "He won't find it weird for you to talk to him. It's perfect. Now. You, dear sister, have a meeting to arrive at, and I'd rather you showed up soon."

        Kaede nodded and gave her twin a hug. "See you later." She speed-walked out of the auditorium and back the way she came, stopping at Music Room 3. She tentatively turned the doorknob, reverting back to her usual timid self.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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