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The author of this story would like to thank the reviewer Boris Yeltsin, who kindly provided the inspiration for this adventure, and jettmanas, who created original artwork for the story.

For those wondering, the idea of Clover having a sister came from a scene in the TV episode 'Zero To Hero', where Clover states she has a nephew, which in turn indicates that she has an older sibling.

Hope you enjoy the story and please feel free to leave reviews if so inclined.


It was a beautiful picturesque night in Hollywood Hills. The air was clear and stunning twinkling stars hung over the impressive Hollywood sign that had so long been the crowning landmark of Los Angeles.

It was a perfect night for a crime.

A bit further down the hill laid the mansion of Jon Baker, the world famous and extremely rich thespian actor who had wowed audiences many a time with his performances in numerous films adapted from the plays of Shakespeare, like 'Hamlet In Space' or 'A Bad Day For Julius Caesar'. By all rights, those films should have been flops, but such was Jon's considerable acting skills, that they became instant cult favourites, leading to greater fame with more popular films like 'Star Battles XIV' and 'Quest For Excalibur'. Over the last six years, he had won so many Oscars and awards, that he had the walls of the mansion's sitting room filled with glass cabinets to proudly display them for his friends and family to see.

It was this very display room that Baker was currently occupying, lounging in his favourite chair in front of the large telly that was currently playing one of his all-time classics, 'Raiders From The 5th Dimension'. In it, he was playing the lead hero, the dashing Professor Jim Strong who was working to foil the evil schemes of his arch foe, Lord Demon Master.

"I say, I sure am dashing, aren't I?" he mused to himself as he took another sip from his glass of soda.

A loud crashing sound from outside the room interrupted his vain thoughts and made him jump a bit abruptly from his comfy seat. Annoyed at being interrupted, Baker got up and moved to the sliding glass doors that led to the outdoor pool. To his surprise, he found that the doors were unlocked and had been slid wide open, allowing in a small breeze that had caused a small jade statue to fall onto the floor.

"Great, now I have to have that statue replaced and get those doors looked at," he grumbled to himself as he picked up the pieces of the statue, before moving to close the doors. He was just starting to slide them shut, when something shot through the open doorway and pricked him in the neck. With a yelp, he clapped a hand over the spot where he had been stung and pulled something off his neck. He had just enough time to realise that it was a tranquilizer dart, when his whole world seemed to blur and go completely topsy-turvy. He was out like a light before he had even hit the floor with a considerable thump.

It took a few hours before Baker finally came to. Tentatively opening his eyes, he was astonished to find himself sitting in a comfortable chair in some kind of luxurious hotel room. Standing to his left, was a tall, well-dressed and masked butler, who was holding out a tray upon which was what looked a glass of orange juice.

"Good morning, sir," said the butler in a well-spoken tone of voice. "May I take your order for breakfast?"

"What... what the heck is going on here?" stuttered Baker as he tried to get the gears in his brain moving again.

"Ah, I can see you are somewhat confused, sir. That is quite normal around here," said the butler. "What is currently occurring is quite simple. You have been kidnapped and are currently being held for ransom. Now, would you wish to see the menu?"

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