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characters in this chapter:
Elena (just turned 19)
description: brown hair, hazel eyes, signature color: yellow and green.

Hazel (19)
Description: brown hair with blonde streaks, brown eyes, signature color: brown and red.

Aphrodite (19)
Description: blonde hair, brown eyes, signature color: purple and green.

Caroline (18 turning 19 soon)
Description: blonde hair, blue eyes, signature color: pink/baby blue.

Brandon (20) 
description: light brown hair, green eyes, signature color: green and blue


Because of Brandon:

Elena was at the college party she had been invited to, she was waiting for her always late best friend. Usually this wouldn't bother her. "WHERE IS THIS BITCH" yelled Elena in her head. Elena walked to the fountain to sit and on her way she saw a girl crying. Elena in shock asked if she's ok and what had happened. The girl had been flipping coins into the fountain wishing for something, she stared at Elena while her mascara was running down her freckled cheeks. She sat down with the girl and asked for her name "M-my name is Aphrodite" said the girl. "I'm Elena" she replied to the girl.
"Why are you here all alone, you should be partying!" Elena told Aphrodite. "THE FUCKING DUMB IDIOT HE CHEATED ON ME WITH A BLONE FUCKING SMALL BRAIN" Elena gasped as Aph spoke then she saw some VERY bright headlights. Is that Hazel, UGH FINALLY. She had arrived.
Hazel was with her other friend, but her friend was driving? Hazel got out her truck completely drunk. No wonder she wasn't driving, Her other friend Alexa went inside to the party and ignored the presence of 2 girls sitting at a fountain.

"HEY ELENA, WHOS THIS CHICK😂😂" Hazel says. "what the fuck Hazel, are your drunk?" Elena says in concern. "Yeah I saw I was a bit late so I drank just a little to light up the mood!! 😂 Alexa drove me here, hate her !! 😂😂, WHOS THAT ????!!!" "This is Aphrodite, she just got cheated on by a random dude, she's been here devastated about it, he's with the girl right now. "BRB WHERE THIS DUDE AT GONNA GO AT HIM" hazel runs to the house until she suddenly got stopped by Elena. "Wait, let's drop Aph at her house then we can come and ask this guy about this..,ok? Hazel agreed while stumbling.
Elena had to drive Hazels messed up truck she got when she was 15, she survived 4 non bad car crashes, sometimes they joke about it. The car only had two seats so Hazel and Aph sat together in the passenger seat, Aph gave Elena her address while her voice was shaking, Hazel had to calm her down. When they arrived they dropped her off and made sure she got inside safely. Elena drove back quickly to beat that bitch called Brandon. (Aphrodite told them what his name is and what he looks like)

*Hazel and Elena arrive at the house party*
The two friends stumble into the party looking at every man that looks like the description, they questioned at least 3 men that look like him. "DAYUM THIS BOY IS SO BASIC LOOKIN, HOW MANY CLONES DOES HE HAV-" While walking past the college boys playing beer pong, they see him playing.. once he lands a ball in the cup they both agree to dump the beer on his head. And they did. The furious teens meet eyes with Brandon, then see the side chick on his side staring at them with him. they keep eye contact with him and pull him aside and talk to him. Elena goes first "Why did you cheat on Aphrodite, she was looking forward to your relationship and you messed it up with her!" She stares at his new girlfriend. The girl bursts out crying and Brandon leans into Elenas face angrily. The girl storms out crying and Hazel heads after her. Brandon yells "FUCK!" Elena catches onto why Brandon is mad and chases after her along with Hazel.
Hazel grabs her hand and faces her toward her. "Hey, I'm sorry, He's a dick.. I know you just met us but wanna come to my house or something-?" hazel says hesitating. No no, it's fine you can come to my house, we have some spare rooms you can sleepover it's late, my name is Caroline by the way.

This chapter is short 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
-Created by Giovanna Elena Hernandez
- Wrote by Victoria Salazar
-Inspiration: victoria X avery readers pov BAHAHHAHAHA

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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