Hogwarts express

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Luna POV

"here you go Luna. Just walk straight threw the wall and you'll find the train. make sure to keep away the nargles." " I will. Bye Dad." I thought it was slightly weird that I had to walk threw a wall to get to the train but I never questioned my father. He always knew best. He knew things from secret scandals' and the truth about the wizarding community to strange new creatures. As I run threw the wall it feels as if it was never there. But when I arrive at the Hogwarts express someone runs into me from behind. " you know you should check before running through. don't want another incident to happen. Or worse nargles steal your things" I say while getting back on my feet. I look at the girl who bumped into me. she seems about my age and has bright red hair. "your hair is very pretty". " thank you... and sorry I ran into you, its only my first year." "same maybe we will be sorted into the same house." " what are nargles? never mind I'm not even going to ask. If you don't mind, can we sit on the train together; I don't want to have to sit with my brothers." I've never had a friend before. all the times I've tried thy didn't turn out to well. some of them even called my loony. " sure, as long as you promise to not call me loony Lovegood." I hear people laugh from behind me. I want to go home. " fuck off loser, pick on someone your own size." "Ginny!" a red haired woman says from behind her. " We are going to be friends you and me. Ginny was it?"

Me and Ginny went on the train and started looking for a compartment. Most of them are full with older kids but we find an empty one as the train starts to move. Finally after many try's we get our trunks on the luggage compartment. 

For a little while after we sat down it was silent but we eventually started to chat. " its Luna right?" Ginny said silently. " Yeah. Thanks for standing up for me earlier, I'm not that well at standing up for myself." " no problem, that's what friends are for right?" Friends?  I like the sound of that. I'm not used to having friends only bully's. But Ginny's even better than a normal friend, she can stand up to the bully's for me. "yeah."

For the rest of the train ride me and Ginny talked about everything and nothing. We talked about professors and which house we wanted to be in and our personal life's. Ginny even told a story about how she set Ron's hair on fire when he was nine. I looked out the window after what seemed like a few minutes of chatting and saw the darkness of the sky and a bright object in the distance. We were approaching Hogwarts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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