boy meets girl

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"Hailey, hey. The usual?"

"You know me too well Luke it's concerning", Luke smiled at Hailey and poured some coffee on a cup handing it to her.

The bell on the top of the door chimmed as it opened."Hailey baby, how are you? Luke what's up?", Lorelai and Rory entered the diner, Lorelai hugged Hailey as she greet her and then smirked at Luke.

"Hailey, come on, we have to get to school", Rory reminded her friend and tapped her on her shoulder a couple of times as Hai was sipping her coffee unbothered. "We have to go find Lane and get to school, hurry"she whined.

"Geez Ror, leave a person enjoy their coffee peacefully" Lorelai said, laying her hand on her daughter's trying to calm her. "Why the hurry? School starts in 20 minutes"

"We have a Biology test this morning and your daughter here is stressed about it. Rory honey, you'll do great" Hailey's attempt to encourage her best friend didn't go as planned as she just glared at her angrily.

An unfamiliar boy walked done the stairs that lead to Luke's apartment which caught everyone's attention. The three girls looked at each other confused, the boy seemed unamused. Luke sighed before talking.

"Lorelai, Rory, Hailey, that's my nephew, Jess. Jess, you'll go to school with Rory and Hailey."

"Hi", Jess said staring at Hailey, but it was directed to everyone.

"Jess, hi" Lorelai offered him a sincere smile, "I am Lorelai, a friend of Luke's. Here is Rory,my daughter" Lorelai pointed at Rory. The girl waved at him and said a shy 'hi'. "And this is Hailey, a good friend of ours."

Hailey spoke "Hi, it is really nice to meet you." she smiled brightly to him. Jess just smirked a little and nodded. "So, let's go to school"

"Finally", Rory said with excitement.


"Lane, Dean, hey", Hailey greeted her friends.

Rory hugged Lane to greet her and kissed Dean who put his arm around her shoulder.

Both Lane and Dean looked at Jess curious who was standing one foot behind. When Hailey saw it she decided to introduce him to her friends.

"This is Jess. Jess, that's Lane and Dean.", Hailey turned to the duo to explain a little further about the strange guy, "He is Luke's nephew, just arrived."

Dean offered a handshake which Jess accepted, "Welcome man"

"Thanks", Jess replied

"Welcome to Stars Hollow Jess. I'm sure you'll love it here.", Lane greeted Jess with a warm smile.

"Don't be", Jess said quietly with only Hailey hearing him, who glared at him. Jess smirked at her.

"What?",Lane asked the boy, as she didn't hear him.

"Oh it's time, let's go", Rory almost screamed as the bell rang.

Lane, Dean and Rory started walking. So did Jess but Hailey grabbed his arm, making him turn around to her and look at her, raising his eyebrow "What?"

Hailey let go of his arm "Smile a little, be more positive"

Jess snickered "Yeah, sure"


"LUKE", Hailey yelled once she entered the diner, making him drop the plate he was holding.

Luke sighed and looked up at her, who was now sitting in the counter "What do you want?"

"I need a job"

"Um, okay", Luke replied confused as he couldn't understand why she was telling that to him.

"Okay, look. I need The Shins' new album AND money to go to the book bazzar. Everything will be in great prices so that's my big chance to buy a huge amount of books. You know, I want to buy High Fidelity, but it is quite expensive, and you know about my two big loves, music and books. And I can't keep up Luke I can't. It is too m-"

"Who is babbling?", Jess interrupted Hailey, as he appeared from upstairs, looking annoyed.

"Thank god she stopped talking"Luke said and went into the kitchen.

Hailey turned to Jess who was behind the counter, "So", she started making Jess look at her,"Do you read?"

"Not much"

"Oh", she looked down at her hands.

Luke exited the kitchen and went behind the counter next to Jess.

"Great, you're back.", Hailey was excited again.

Luke rolled his eyes "Oh, not again about the books"

"Luke, what I'm about to tell you is very important. It is huge", she emphasized the last word.

Both Luke and Jess looked at her and leaned to the counter, giving her their full attention.

"Be careful uncle Luke. She might ask to steal those fancy flannels of yours"

Hailey rolled her eyes and continued "I want to work. Here. For like 3 times a week, I don't know, you'll decide. But I really need the money Luke"



Jess saw Hailey walking out a bookstore. He walked faster and catch with her pace, walking now beside her."It is late to be out at that hour. Alone"

"We live in Stars Hollow Jess. Besides, I am not alone anymore right?", she smiled at him and he smirked.

He grabbed the shopping bag and pulled out the book she had just bought making both of them stop walking and now facing each other.

"'For Whom the Bell Tolls'?" she nodded, "It is a great book" Jess remarked.

"You have read it?"

"About 15 times"

"I thought you said you didn't read much"

Jess shrugged "Well, what is much?"

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