Just random and funny oneshots

632 20 30

A/n: So Hi??

Another update since I've done my school works today hehe

I'll upload the Period days we'll Jungkook is the girl tho in there, I'll upload it tomorrow but it's different version of it heeh

kvstan sorry no smut today darling



"When he is on period" (just imagine he is a girl here hehe)

Taehyung's P.o.v

So basically I'm here in the store buying some pads and chocolates for my dear girlfriend who has really have a bad mood

I found the pads and some chocolates now, I got to the counter now

"Ohh is it for your girlfriend?"the lady ask me I smiled and nodded

"Such a sweet boyfriend you are,bet she is so lucky to have you as her boyfriend" she said I smiled a bit at her

Im lucky to have her

"Here you go sweetie well it's a total of 5 dollars" she said I payed her and of course thank her too I left the stores and quickly went straight to the house


"Ah thank god your here now" I heard a voice I chuckled it's kookie

My girlfriend

"What took you so long?" She ask me "seriously kookie? I've been for just 5 freaking minutes you know?" I said to her

"Well that's long enough even 2 minutes is long"she said and rolled her eyes she goes upstairs to the bathroom

I rolled my eyes

"Why do girls are so sassy and angry when they are on their period?"

"You know I fucking heard that you alien" I look behind and saw a angry jungkook

I gulped "huh? You heard what? I didn't say anything" I said

"I'm not always angry on my period" she said I hugged me "I know I'm sorry" I said then kisses his cheeks "movies?"she ask

I nodded she celebrated then quickly run to the living room

"What do you want to watch babygirl--"


"Oww what was that for?" I ask her

"Stop with the nickname for now" she said and I can see her blush a little

Gosh if I can eat her right now I've did it earlier arghh she is so cute and she is mine

So basically I don't know what did I just write right now 🙃

"When you are getting fat"

Jungkook's p.o.v

I step on a weighing scale (is that correct?) I look at it and it shows 53 kg

I was shocked omggg I'm getting fat now

Taehyung don't love me if I'm fat

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