I can't speak well. I'm practicing okay😔

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An aff kay fas m'ay so an itaff🤧
An m'ocsin waly an weloy, an ocsin an hob san tahe...but, an dibal ay...so. ha.

Translate: I'm not good at my language so leave me alone🤧
I don't know what I'm doing, I know I already said this...but, I am dumb...so. yeah.

Btw. This isn't how it's actually spelled I think. I'm just typing it how you say it out loud. I will most likely forget what I said when I come back. And will only know what I said when I look at the translation.

Me is no good at language. Leaf me alone.

Damn the words shorten in this language.

Hiye an bohoy byeeee😁
Translate: alright I'm going byeeee 😁

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