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Blood trickled down Matt's palm and onto the canvas and papers messily strewn about on the floor of his room. The exact-o knife blade slipped in his palm slicing it open, pouring blood onto the circle of red paint in the middle of the canvas. Matt didn't mean for this to happen and certainly didn't want to clean up a bloody mess so he ran to the bathroom to get towels and a bandaid. As Matt ran from the room clutching his palm, the room started to glow. The circle of red paint glowed as a cool chill spread across the room and a dense fog covered the floor. While Matt made his way back into his room armed with towels and a bandaged palm, he stopped in his tracks. A man stood annoyed on top of his canvas checking his watch periodically. The man wore a jet black suit with a bright red tie. His skin was a crimson color and his eyes were a dark maroon. Black horns jetted out of his forehead and his shirt black hair cascaded in between and around them. Lastly, his tail slowly moved around behind him and ended with a pointy triangle. The man had a chiseled jaw and a skinny but muscular tall body. Matt stood in the doorway and dropped the town from his hands in shock.
"Finally your here." The man said without eye contact still looking down at his watch.
"Who.... who are you?" Matt said with a stutter.
"I'm Dameon.... The demon you summoned with what I'm guessing is red paint?" Damien looked up puzzled somewhat realizing for the first time that he was summoned into a regular teens room in a boring suburb somewhere in Oregon.
"SUMMONED." Matt said in shock. "What do you mean? I didn't do shit." Matt protested.
"Well you clearly did and guessing by the cut on your palm it involved blood." Dameon said nonchalantly.
"It was by accident I swear! My teacher assigned us to make a sun set" Matt panicked.
"Uhh this doesn't really look like a sun." He looked down in confusion.
"Well the red circle was going to be the start of the sun, but that's not the POINT." Matt said with some anger behind his voice. "This is a mistake and you can just go back to where you came from and I'll never have to think about this again." Matt said with a slight smile.
"First of all." Dameon said, his tail getting stiff pointing straight up. "Don't give me attitude. I'm a demon and can literally make your life a living hell."
"Demon..... what the fu-" Matt mumbled.
"And two I can't just leave I need to fulfill whatever  thing you most want or you go to hell. Forever." Said Dameon.
"Uh ok then what do I do. I don't know what I want the most. Like what does that even mean?....." Matt continued to mumble on pacing around the room listing possible fixes. "This is all a dream... your not real. The paint fumes must of gotten to me."
"This is real. And if you can't think of anything now, I have to stay with you until one of the ideas works. Or I'll just kill you and bring your soul to hell." Dameon says chuckling. "I haven't done that in a while kinda sounds.... fun.."
Matt stood frozen in his tracks. He was gonna die. There was so much he hadn't done yet.
"Well there is.... another option." Damien said looking away a bit shy and out of character for the stern usual demeanor.
"Come with me ALIVE to hell and help me convince everyone that we are in a relationship so they can get off my back about being the prince and needing an heir." Dameon said casually and slightly annoyed.
"YOUR the PRINCE of HELL!" Matt screamed quietly.
"Yea.? Don't you have princes on earth, like I don't get the big deal. Yes I do control most of hell, besides the section dealing with fascists and Trump, because like ew gross, but it's not that big of a deal. And while we do this you can find your biggest want." Dameon explained.
"I don't know...." Matt pleaded.
"Well either join the dead people in hell or come alive, you don't have much of a choice." Dameon stood cockily.
"Fine. But won't they know I'm.... human? Arn't humans not allowed into the afterlife? Unless they are... you know. Dead?" Matt gulped.
"Actually that's not true. Azalea Banks got here after one of her scandals a while back. It was crazy! She didn't even die she just showed up and then left!" Dameon chuckled slowly looking up into Matt's eyes and locking with them.
"You will have to wear these." Dameon said as he presented his hand. Empty at first but then a poof of smoke appeared and so did 2 metal wrist cuffs. They were slim and cylindrical and glowed red ever so slightly.
"They will disguise your human scent, but once you put them on... only I can take them off and I'm not taking them off until the kingdom is convinced we got something going." Dameon warned.
"But why me?" Matt exclaimed plopping down on his bed.
"1. It's easy to blackmail someone. 2. I think we could make a good match.... maybe. And 3. You have no choice." Dameon said. "So are you coming or not." Dameon said impatiently.
Matt grabbed the metal cuffs and bent them around his wrists. The glow brightened and then faded to nothing. The cuffs shrank to the exact size of Matt's wrist preventing removal. Matt took Dameon's hand and they clasped fingers. Dameon and Matt stepped into the circle and disappeared in a cloud of smoke and flames.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2021 ⏰

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