Y/N's quirk(s)

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She has a couple of quirks(ill explain the other ones later)but the main one is a NEKO quirk so she technically has 4 different forms she has her
1.original human form
2.human form but with cat ears and a tail and fangs and really long and sharp nails
3.A regular Black cat form
4. A 50 ft giant Black Cat
Anyway her quirk allows her to see really really far/climb walls/jump far & high/be extremely fast/ she has really soft paws so she can sneak up on you so easily you'd never known she was there and yah thats her main quirk she doesn't like useing her other quirks because she thinks they are villin quirks but yah thats her main quirk

the LONELY KITTYTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon