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Jackson fled into the forest, with a fearsome Blood Moon wolf pack close behind. Without a second thought, he broke out into a sprint dodging old snow covered fallen trees and ones that still stand. The crisp, cool winter wind flowed through his snow white fur. Not too faraway Jackson could see a still flowing stream, as he jumped on to a large log. What seemed to be a tree stood up with grace and beauty, then stretched shaking off the ice that clung to its baren branches. Jackson fell off the log he was perched on after seeing the full height of this majestic creature. "Hello young wolf" the creature spoke with confidence of a thousand men.
"Hello!" whimpered Jackson in fear of getting stepped on.
"There is nothing to fear. I only protect the forest and will not harm you" he continued, "What is your name?"
"Umm my name?" Jackson looked around as he tried remember "Oh yes! My name is Jackson and you are?"
"I am a Ent of no name..." he trailed off as he started to think himself.
'Have I done something to offended him?' Jackson sorely thought to himself as the Ent (what Jackson has decided to call him) bent down to the height of Jackson who's once again sitting on the log.
"I would like to show you something young wolf" he whispers as he placed his hand in front of the log implying for Jackson to step onto his brown barky snow covered hand.
He lifts Jackson up to a flat part on his head covered in snow. The snow was like a nest that Jackson could lay on and still see that was going on around them.

Jackson's ears perked up as he heard the sound of the wolves coming quickly, and closer towards his direction. "No need to fear young wolf." said the Ent. "Just keep hiding" Jackson lowered himself in the soft, snow nest. He watched through the little peeks with his piercing ice blue eyes, that seemed to fit him well. The pack reached to a stop in front of them. "Have you seen a young scrawny wolf come by here?" asked the Alpha. "Hmm." The great tree man pondered as he looked at the wolves, with his bright orange colored eyes, like a fresh crisp autumn leaf. "I have not seen a wolf pass by here, but I did see him run west from here." The alpha nodded his head, and let out a low growl to signal the others to head off again. They turned around and headed west.
"You can stop hiding now Jackson." said the Ent. Jackson slowly stood up.
"Thank you," Jackson thanked him greatly. "For now on I shall call you Bravewood, for your courage."
"Why thank you Jackson." The ent, named Bravewood, thanked him as he swiftly took him out of the snow like nest to set him on the ground.

Bravewood and Jackson were standing near the edge of the forest, but still surrounded by trees. Bravewood trudged on with sorrow as if he had been here before and witnessed a gruesome murder of a loved one. He sat on the ground with his back resting on a tree. Jackson left the side of Bravewood and wandered in the snow covered field in awe of the sheer beauty.
"Bravewood where have you taken me?" wondered Jackson, looking back at Bravewood.
"A land of peace..." he sighed "It's beautiful isn't it?"
"Indeed it is" Jackson agreed as he lies in the powdery snow with delight and relaxation. In wonder Bravewood asked "Why is that pack looking for you?" "Oh... I was part of that pack. Then I ran away because I didn't like their lifestyle." Jacksons wolfy expression faded into sorrow,as his head filled with tragic memories. Jackson got up. He hung his head down as he trudged to sit alongside Bravewood.

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