Chapter 1: The way we met..

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You're on your way to class. New school, new you! You're quite excited of course. you usually aren't one to get excited over small things like a new school, but because this is UA, a school of kids learning to be hero's. Of course you're excited!

You've already got your schedule and you're pretty happy with how the classes are looking. You see one girl give you an odd look in the hallway, and brush it off. You continue to walk to class. You stop at the class door, inhale, and exhale. You're nervous. You never thought you come to this point, but now. At the most inconvenient time, you're trembling in fear.

Y/N's thoughts: What if I do something embarrassing?.. Oh, I just know I'm going to do something like that.. | You stand strong, and walk into the classroom, trying to stay confident. |

Mr. Aizawa: You're late.

Y\N: I'm sorry! | You look down, feeling dumb |

Y\N's thoughts: Great, now everyone knows I'm late, and I'm a cluts--

Bakugou: | He interrupts | HAH! Looky here. We have yet another person trying to become a hero. I think it's quite obvious I'm going to be better than all of you in the end! | He'd chuckle |

Y\N: Yeah.. so. Where's my seat if you don't mind me asking?

Mr. Aizawa: Well, you could sit next to Mina. There's a seat open there.

You look over at Mina, and then the seat next to her. You walk over to the seat, sit down and put your books on your desk

Mina looks over at you

Mina: Hii!! I'm Mina, obviously. What's your name? I'm surprised Mr. Aizawa didn't let you introduce yourself! Hey, hint hint.. He's kind of a lazy teacher..

Y\N: I'm Y\N. It's great to meet you Mina! And, yeah.. no worries about that. 

Mina stands up with a huge smile on her face, and points at you

Mina: This is Y\N!! Mr. Aizawa, you've gotta start letting new students introduce themselves! 

You start to feel extremely embarrassed with all these eyes looking at you. And, just you.

Mr. Aizawa: Alright, that's enough.. let's get on with class even though I really don't wanna be here.

Approximately an hour or so later, class is over, you collect your books and stand up

Mina: Wanna eat lunch with me and the girls? You could get introduced to us!

Y/N: Oh, well. I'd love to, but there's someone else I'm really wanting to meet..

Mina: Who's that?

Y/N: You know that guy that said something about how we was going to surpass all of us or something?

Mina: Oh.. yeah. Bakugou?

Y\N: That's his name?

Mina: Yep! He's kinda scary though!

Y\N: Who's says I'm not into that?

You and Mina both laugh

Mina: Well, cya later!

Y\N: Yeah, bye!

Everyone left the class by now, so you walk out with your books and head to your locker. You open your locker to find a note, so you shove your books into your locker and immediately grab the note

The Note: Hey, so you're the new girl? If I have the wrong locker that'd be pretty embarrassing but that's aside from the point. Who even are you? I'm not really that interested but, I'd like it if you met me in the janitors closet during lunch. Yeah, whatever. I know, kind of sketchy. Get over it. - Unknown  

You think about if you should go or not..

Y\N's thoughts: What if someone wants me dead and this is how they're planning on killing me? Or, what if they take something of mine that's valuable and I wouldn't know who it is because they don't show their face?! I'm overthinking this and I'm also running out of time. I might as well just go.. I guess I can just forget about seeing who this Bakugou guy is..

You look around for the janitors closet. Because you're new to the school, it took you a while to find it. You didn't want to ask because that'd be a bit embarrassing, amiright? Who goes to the janitors closet?

You finally find the janitors closet, and stare at the door

Y\N's thoughts: Alright, here it is..

You slowly open the door, and your eyes widen--

( cliff hanger!! >:D )

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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