Author notes

40 3 2

I do not own the ppgz

Before I publish this story, I have a few things I would like to mention.
This story has been in my draft for a while, and I'll be making some changes so the publication process may take some time, it was originally written when I was around 13-14 (YIKES), and I'll be editing it a LOT to ensures it matches my current standards. However, I won't deviate too much from the original story since it holds a special place in my heart.

In this story, which is based on the anime series 'Powerpuff Girls Z,' I've used the characters original names in the story. But in the story I won't used their original names to avoid any confusion.

Momoko Akatsutsumi is Blossom
Kaoru Matsubara is Buttercup
Miyako Gotokuji is Bubbles

The names of the boys remain the same. The boys won't look like the version they do in the show.

This is for my followers:

Lastly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude towards those who have been there for me and have lent their support throughout my time away. I am glad to sort of be back. Back then when I was writing was definitely an era for me (NOT IN A BAD WAY OFC) but I really hope you guys enjoy this story. Thank you so much and I will forever cherish you guys. Even if some of you guys already left the fandom 🫶🏽.

Thank you and enjoy.

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