Peas without a pod

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It was a dreadful lonely day in the grocery store; at least it was until two peas, given the names Awsten and Geoff, found each other under the shopping cart. The two peas never met before but with all the loneliness, it made the sexual tension strained. Geoff strutted up to pea Awsten and spits on him calling him a dirt pea in hopes of invoking rage upon him. This only made Awsten want him more, Awsten, the pea, opens up Geoffs pod inserting his lower pea in. Geoff was enjoying this screaming in pleasure, all was good a moist when Geoff had the idea to insert his at the same time, and so he did. (Two peas in a pod get it) this went on for hours with Awsten and Geoff both waiting cum with their green pea mush and right before it happened someone came and swept up Geoff and threw him away leaving Awsten alone and sad. Awsten didn't care so he just went on massaging him lower pea until he was then swept up. The end :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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